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Today is a big day for Ryeji. It's their one year anniversary. One year of love and friendship to celebrate. Ryujin has big plans for today.

She hasn't seen Yeji at all today and she misses her dearly. She's with her bestfriend at the moment in the mall looking for an anniversary gift.

"Ryu, will you please find your gift already. We've been here for so long already" the red head complained.

"Ryeong, we've been here for like 30 minutes."

"You know I don't like crowds so can we make this quick, please" she begged.

"Alright alright. Give me ideas what I should give her then?" Ryujin asked.

"Chocolates" Chaeryeong suggested.

"Okay, not bad but we should do more."

"Let's go there!" Chaeryeong pointed at a jewelry store.

"What kind of jewelry?" Ryujin questioned.

"You can get her a promise ring. I've seen people in western movies do that blah blah."

"Hmm not bad. Okay let's do it!"

They entered the jewelry store looking for the perfect ring. It can't be diamond because Yeji might think its an engagement. A very nice lady was helping them along the way. In the end, they settled with a ring that had Yeji's birthstone.

Ryujin smiled looking at the ring. She thought maybe her and Yeji really are meant to be. Her favorite color is green and her lover's birthstone is green.

Some might think it's quite a far-fetched idea but Ryujin will think what she wants. In her heart, she was meant to be with Yeji.

The two bestfriends finally left the mall and stop by the flower shop where Ryujin ordered her black and green roses.

Tonight's date won't be as extravagant as their previous dates. The short girl wanted tonight to be simple. She wanted it to be focused solely on them and not the fancy set up.

Ryujin went home to get ready and afterwards, picked up Yeji for their date.

The two arrived at the park where they had their second date. Yeji was reminiscing that while Ryujin was dragging her to their spot.

This time, Ryujin didn't set up their picnic date. Chaeryeong, Lia and Yuna did while Ryujin picked up Yeji.

Ryujin thought the three did a great job and was grateful for their help.

Since it's night time, they added lights surrounding the picnic area. Ryujin saw the roses placed in the center.

Yeji walked closer and picked it up, "This is beautiful baby. One year together and you still make me feel so special."

"I want to make you feel special everyday for the rest of our lives Yeji" Ryujin said.

Yeji noticed a guitar, "Are you gonna play for me?"

Ryujin smiled, "Let's wait later."

The two enjoyed their dinner while they chatted.

After dinner, Ryujin picked up the guitar, "I dedicate this song to you, my beautiful princess."

(Next to you - Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber)

You've got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
That you keep that smile

Yeah, you are my dream
There's not a thing I won't do
I'll give my life up for you
'Cause you are my dream

Ryujin looked deeply into Yeji's eyes to show the latter that she means every word in the lyrics.

And baby, everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I'll be there when you're insecure
Let you know that you're always lovely
Girl, 'cause you are the only thing that I got right now

Ryujin stood up and Yeji followed suit, still not breaking eye contact. A crowd has slowly formed around them but the two were so lost into each other that they didn't notice.

One day when the sky is falling
I'll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
'Cause I'll be standing right next to you
Right next to you

If you had my child
You would make my life complete
Just to have your eyes on little me
That'd be mine forever

Yeji couldn't control it anymore and tears started falling down on her cheeks. She was feeling so happy and emotional while watching her love serenade her.

And baby, everything that I have is yours
You will never go cold or hungry
I'll be there when you're insecure
Let you know that you're always lovely
Girl, 'cause you are the only thing that I got right now

One day when the sky is falling
I'll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I'll be standing right next to you
Right next to you

Ryujin moved closer to Yeji.

We're made for one another
Me and you
And I have no fear
I know we'll make it through

One day when the sky is falling
I'll be standing right next to you

One day when the sky is falling
I'll be standing right next to you
Right next to you
Nothing will ever come between us
I'll be standing right next to you
Right next to you

Oh, nah, nah
Oh, yeah
Stand by my side, side, side
When the sky falls
I'll be there, I'll be there

Ryujin stopped playing the guitar and set it down. She stopped singing and said the final lyrics straight from her heart.

You've got that smile
That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
To keep you forever

Yeji was a crying mess. The crowd around them gave a round of applause which startled the two a bit but didn't mind.

Ryujin pulled the small box that holds the ring. She didn't kneel on one knee so the tall girl won't mistake it for a marriage proposal. Instead, she moved even closer. Their feet are touching toe to toe.

Ryujin opened the box revealing the beautiful emerald ring.

"Happy one year baby. Before you say anything, this isn't me asking you to marry me. This is me making a promise to you, as cliché as it sounds" Ryujin laughed, "I promise to always be by your side through the good and the bad. I promise to never give up on this love. I promise to support you wherever you are. I promise to always go back to you no matter what life throws at us. I promise I will love you forever and always "

Ryujin inserted the ring on Yeji's finger and took a step back.

Yeji then pulled back for a hug and a kiss.

"I hate you for always making me cry! But I love you for making me cry because of happiness!" Yeji cried while laughing.

The date concluded not long after that. Ryujin drove Yeji home but Yeji insisted the short girl should spend the night since it's their anniversary.

Their night ended with a bang.

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