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A few months have passed since their anniversary. For the most part things were good but sometimes Yeji would distance herself from Ryujin.

Ryujin have thought about discussing this with Yeji but decided not to, thinking it might just be all in her head.

The short girl entered the cafeteria to find her friends and girlfriend already sitting at their table.

She sat next to Yeji, "Wassup peeps?"

"Ryu where were you? You're late" Chaeryeong asked

Ryujin shrugged her shoulders, "Just took my time getting here."

She looked at Yeji to see her staring into space. The tall girl didnt even greet her. Ryujin waved her eyes in front of her girlfriend's eyes, "Babe, you okay?"

Yeji shook her head, "Huh? Yea I'm fine."

Ryujin noticed Lia glaring at Yeji when she said that but didn't think much of it.

Lia excused herself and Yeji. She grabbed Yeji's hand and dragged her to the restroom.


In the restroom stood two girls with one upset at the other.

"Are you really not planning on telling Ryujin?" Lia spat out.

"Lia, this is none of your business" Yeji said annoyed.

"It is my business because both of you are my friends and you're lying to her right now!"

"I'm not lying. How can I when she doesn't know anything about it?" Yeji asked.

"Keeping secrets is a form of lying. She's always been open to you. At least do the same for her."

"Lia, I'm afraid she won't handle this news well."

"That's for her to decide. She will be more upset if she finds out you're keeping secrets from her."

Little did the two know, Ryujin was right outside the door hearing everything. She was worried so she followed the two.

Ryujin ran off crying thinking that Yeji is going to break up with her. Chaeryeong saw her bestfriend crying so she tried to go after her but she wasn't fast enough.

Ryujin got in her car and drove off.

She was sobbing so hard, she struggled to breathe. Everything was blurry because of her tears. She was stopped at a traffic light.

She looked at her rearview and to her surprise, there was a big truck approaching her car at a fast speed and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. She tried to drive her car to the side of the road to avoid getting hit but it was too late.

The truck has hit her car. Squashed the back end like a piece of tin can and was sent flying into the ditch and hit a tree.

Ryujin hit her head hard when the car hit the tree and nearly knocked her unconscious. She was able to grab her phone and call someone.

The phone rang and it was answered right away, "Hello?" The voice said.

"Ma-mom.. he-help.." was the only thing she could say before passing out.


Yuna called Chaeryeong to inform her what happened to Ryujin. Chaeryeong then told Lia and Yeji.

Yeji burst into tears right away not believing what she heard.

The three girls quickly drove to the hospital Ryujin was admitted. They found out what room Ryujin was staying in and went up right away.

They knocked on the door afraid to see Ryujin's condition. They don't know if they can stomach it. Yuna opened the door to let them in only to see a monkey happily eating a pudding cup.

"Hey guys!" Ryujin waved at the three shocked faces at the door, "This pudding is soo good!"

"What fuck Ryujin! We heard you were in a serious accident! Your sister sent me pictures of what your car looked like! I thought you might have been dead!" Chaeryeong cried.

"Ryeongie, don't cry. I'm okay. See? I'm alive. I won't leave you that easily. I have a life goal of annoying you" Ryujin smiled.

"I hate you!"

"I love you too Ryeongie."

"We were so worried. I'm glad you're okay" Lia said and gave Ryujin a hug.

Ryujin tapped Lia's back, "Uh. I'm okay but still sore. Don't squeeze too hard."

Lia let go and gave Ryujin an apologetic smile.

Ryujin then looked at Yeji, "Why are you quiet baby?"

"I thought I lost you. I was so scared" Yeji said in a low tone.

"Hey, look at me. I'm here. Alive and battered" Ryujin joked.

Yeji glared at her and she immediately shut up.

"Can guys leave Ryujin and I alone? I need to talk to her" Yeji asked their friends.

"Sure." They all said.

Ryujin was afraid. She remembered the talk Yeji and Lia had. Her heart ached already.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Ryujin nervously asked.

"I don't know how to say this. Please don't be mad or hate me" Yeji started.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Ryujin asked not looking at the other girl.

This surprised Yeji, "What? What makes you think that?"

"I overheard you and Lia talk. It sounded like you're leaving me." Ryujin sadly said.

"I'm not breaking up with you baby. I got some news I wanted to share but I was afraid how you're gonna take it."

"Babe you can tell me anything."

Yeji took a deep breath, "I was offered a scholarship at a college overseas for dance."

"Why are you afraid to tell me? Thats awesome baby. Congratulations!" Ryujin excitedly cheered.

"You're not mad?" Yeji asked.

"Why would I be mad?" Ryujin is now confused.

"Because if I take it I'll have to move away."

"And? We can do long distance. I can visit you anytime. This is exciting babe. You love dance and now you'll be able to go to school for it."

"Why are you so amazing and understanding?" Yeji asked.

"Do you not want me to?" Ryujin laughed.

"Can we come in now?" Lia knocked on the door.

Yeji rolled her eyes, "Yes."

"Are you two okay now?" Lia asked.

"Yea. I was worried for nothing." Yeji answered.

"Wait, there was something going on between them?" Yuna asked.

Yeji then explained everything to Yuna and Chaeryeong.

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