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The next day at school, Ryujin was greeted by Minju's fist. "Ow! What the freak!?" Ryujin screamed in pain.

"Because of you Yeji broke up with me!" Minju punched Ryujin again.

Before Minju could punch again, the security already got a hold of her. "Let go of me! That bitch is gonna pay!"

"I didn't do anything to you! It's not my fault you didn't appreciate Yeji!" Ryujin finally said while holding her jaw. "She was with you but you still chose to fuck around with other people! That's not my fault!"

While security was dragging Minju away, "Pssh, you can have her! She's a prude anyway! I tried to fuck her but she won't let me. Enjoy being with a bitch like that!"

With those words, Ryujin's surrounding went dark. She ran to Minju and punched her nose. The security guards let go of Minju and held Ryujin back. "Don't you dare talk about Yeji like that! She's not some toy you can play with! Don't ever disrespect her again!" Ryujin spat out.

The two were then taken to the Dean's office. Little did they know that Yeji and the rest of the school were watching the whole mess. Yeji ran to the bathroom crying while Lia followed to comfort her friend. Chaeryeong followed Ryujin in case they needed a witness.

The whole student body was shocked to see that side of Ryujin. They've only seen her as a helpful and kind person. They didn't think she would ever get into fights. They knew it was Minju's fault but they were still shocked.

In the meantime, Yeji couldn't believe what happened. She was glad she never slept with Minju. She was so angry but she also felt sad because Ryujin got hurt because of her.

Yeji locked herself in a bathroom stall crying. "Yeji! Where are you? Come out and talk to me please!" She heard her friend calling for her. She ran to Lia and hugged her. She cried on her shoulder and Lia just held her.

"I'm such a terrible person. Because of me Ryujin got hurt, Lia. I don't care about what Minju said about me. Ryujin got hurt for liking me" Yeji cried.

"Yeji, why are you blaming yourself when you did nothing wrong. Minju shouldn't have done that. This is all her fault. Not yours. She's mad because she never got what she wanted from you. She said those words to hurt you. She wanted Ryujin to look at you different in hopes she would leave you" Lia patted Yeji's back.

"What if Ryujin does leave, Lia? It will hurt so much. I think I'm falling for her. I'm so scared because I know it will hurt so much if she does. I've never felt like this before with anyone. She's so amazing and I love how she treats me" Yeji sobbed trying to control her breath.

"I don't see her leaving you. Have you seen how she looks at you? Did you not see how she punched Minju? She didn't fight back when Minju attacked her but the moment she disrespected you? Ryujin went after her. She cares about you so much" Lia said.

"That's the problem. I don't see why. She claims I'm this amazing person but I don't see it. I don't feel like I deserve her but I don't think I can ever let her go either. She deserves someone so much better" Yeji quietly said.

Lia perked up, "Oohhh ooohh I can answer this. Ryujin told me if ever you mention that you don't deserve her to tell you to remember what she said. We don't deserve things. We earn them."

Yeji chuckled remembering their conversation. She thought that girl is something else.

"But Yeji, earn Ryujin like how she's trying earn you."

Yeji smiled and nodded.

"Ryujin is really amazing right? We haven't been friends for so long and I really like her for you Yeji. She's definitely one of a kind" Lia interrupted their moment.

"She is. She makes me feel like I'm one of a kind too."

"To think that you shut her down and called her a player when she first approached you. You would have missed out but thanks to me here you two are" Lia gloats.

"Hey! You thought she was a player too!" Yeji defended.

"So how did the performance go yesterday? Did she go crazy with your sexy dance?" Lia changed the topic.

"She's actually really cute! Ahh Lia! She's a breath of fresh air. Yuna said she looked away every time she thought my moves were too sexy! She didn't want to disrespect me! When I heard that, my heart doubled in size!" Yeji grabbed Lia's shoulder.

"Aww now I want a Ryujin for myself" Lia pouted.

"I saw you stealing glances at Chaeryeong" Yeji teased.

"What?! Me?! No?!" Lia panicked.

"Uh huh sure" Yeji said. "We should probably go check on Ryujin "

The two made their way to Ryujin.

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