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It's been a week since that little confrontation happened between Ryujin and Yeonjun.

Yeonjun has shamelessly flirted with Yeji even if Ryujin was around. Even after being shut down by Yeji, the boy doesn't give up.

Today, the girlfriends had plans to hang out at Yeji's house. Ryujin got ready and drove to her house.

She was about to knock when she noticed the door was cracked open. Feeling panicked something might havenl happened, she walked in right away. She heard voices in the kitchen. Sounds like a man's voice so she assumed it was Yeji's brother.

She walked to the kitchen and saw Yeonjun with Yeji. They were talking about something serious. They didn't even realize Ryujin was there.

"Come on Yeji. Give me a chance. Give us a chance. I can treat you better than Ryujin can. We've known each other for so long. We go way back" Yeonjun begged.

"I'm sorry oppa. You're a nice guy and all but I love Ryujin. I'm not trying to be mean but it's impossible for you to treat me better than Ryujin can" Yeji shutting down Yeonjun for the nth time.

"How can you feel safe with her? That day at my house when you saw us, she was threatening me to stay away from you. She's dangerous Yeji" Yeonjun lied.

"Ryujin wouldn't do that. Even if she did, I'm sure you said something to provoke her."

While listening, Ryujin smiled knowing that Yeji is defending her.

"How could you say that Yeji? I'm just looking out for you" Yeonjun stated.

Ryujin finally said something because Yeonjun is starting to annoy her, "It's not your job to look out for her. It's mine."

"Ryujin" Yeji said with wide eyes, "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough. Hi baby" Ryujin went to Yeji and gave her a kiss.

Yeonjun scoffed, "It's rude to interrupt two people talking you know?"

"It's also rude to lie yet here we are" Ryujin fired back.

"Yeonjun you should go" Yeji said to him.

"Why should I go? I want to hang out with you. We're friends aren't we?"

"We are but Ryujin and I already made plans to hang out today."

Yeonjun sighed, "I can't believe you're dating that stupid bitch."

"YEONJUN!" Yeji yelled.

"Yeji! You're being manipulated!" Yeonjun grabbed Yeji by the shoulders.

"Let go of her" Ryujin said in a monotone voice.

Yeonjun turned to look at Ryujin with eyes full of anger, "You! Why did you have to exist and meet Yeji!"

"Go home Yeonjun before you do something you regret" Ryujin said.

Yeonjun walked to her, "Oh I won't regret this!" He punched her on the cheek which caused the girl to fall to the ground.

Yeji ran to Ryujin to help her when she saw Yeonjun was about to hit her again.

Yeonjun stopped and told Yeji to move but she didn't and begged him to leave.

Yeonjun pushed Yeji aside to move her out of the way.

Ryujin saw Yeji winced from pain and for the second time in her life, her surrounding went dark.

She tackled Yeonjun to the ground and punched his face multiple times.

"Ryujin. Please stop!" Yeji begged crying.

Ryujin got her senses back and stopped. She hugged Yeji while apologizing and checking to see if she was hurt."

Yeji's dad came in after hearing all the commotion. "What's going on here?" He asked clearly angry.

"Her!" Yeonjun pointed at Ryujin, "She punched me! Oh God. I think she broke my nose!"

Mr. Hwang was about to kick out Ryujin when Yeji stopped him.

"Dad stop! She was just protecting me! Yeonjun pushed me!" Yeji tried to explain.

Her dad turned to face her, "He did what?!"

"Yeonjun. Leave now before I add on to what Ryujin already did."

Yeonjun widened his eyes and ran out of the house while holding his nose.

"Are you okay princess?" Mr. Hwang asked his daughter.

"I'm fine dad. Can you give me an ice pack for Ryujin please?" She asked while wiping her tears.

"I'm okay baby" Ryujin said caressing her girlfriend's cheek.

"I'm sorry" Yeji said.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything."

"This is the second time you got hit because of me" Yeji mumbled.

"Hey. I don't mind. I would take endless punches just for you" Ryujin tried to joke.

"Not the time Shin Ryujin" Yeji glared at her.

Ryujin made a peace sign and smiled.

"But seriously, I'm okay. I expected this stuff to happen when I decided I wanted you to be my girlfriend" Ryujin said.

"What? Why?" Yeji asked.

"Because to have a beautiful girlfriend, there's bound to have consequences" Ryujin smirked.

Yeji rolled her eyes and stood up leaving her girlfriend still on the floor, "When you're done being stupid, you can come up to my room" she said before leaving.

"Baby come back! You didn't kiss my boo boo" Ryujin said while running after her girlfriend.

Upstairs, Ryujin and Yeji were teasing other. Mainly Ryujin teasing Yeji. Yeji tries to tease back but she ends up being teased twice as hard if she does.

"YEJI!" screamed Lia while barging in her room.

"What?" Yeji looked confused.

Lia ran to Yeji checking if she's hurt.

"Whats wrong Lia?" Yeji asked.

"Oppa told me what happened. Are you okay?" Yeji nodded.

Lia then went after Ryujin, "You! How dare you lay a hand on Yeji! Why are you still here?! Get out!"

Lia started hitting Ryujin on her chest and arms and Ryujin just stood there letting her.

Yeji went in between them, "Lia stop. What are you talking about? Ryujin never hurt me."

Lia is now on her knees crying from frustration, "Oppa said she hurt you. I was so worried."

Yeji sat in front of her friend and hugged her, "Lia, Ryujin didn't hurt me. He hurt Ryujin. That bruised that's forming is because he punched her."

Lia looked at Ryujin and the latter gave her a sad smile.

"I'm sorry for hitting you but why didn't you stop me?" Lia asked.

"You seemed very mad. Stopping you would have made you even more mad and I wanted you to let out your feelings so maybe you'll feel better. Do you feel better?" 

"I do but I took out my anger on the wrong person."

"That's fine. I don't mind" Ryujin helped her up, "I'm happy to know that you would protect Yeji to that extent."

"Gosh. How could I be so dumb? Why did I believe you would hurt Yeji. I mean you're Ryujin" Lia chuckled.

"Welcome to dumb town. Population: two" Ryujin attempted to give Lia a high five but was rejected. She put her hand down looking sad.

The two bestfriends laughed at her antics.

The three hung out for a little bit. Lia went home first then Ryujin followed not long after.

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