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In the Dean's office, Ryujin is sitting next to Minju listening to the man in charge giving them a lecture about violence not being the answer.

Ryujin could care less. She was too angry at Minju to think straight but she knows if she does something, things will get worse.

She wishes this will be over soon so she can see if Yeji is okay.

The Dean finished his lecture, "Since this is the first time for the both you to be here, I will give you a warning first but I better not see you here again because of violence. Understood?"

"Yes sir" Ryujin and Minju both said.

They left the office and Minju left first without sparing a glance at Ryujin.

Ryujin saw Chaeryeong waiting for her so she walked to her.

"So what happened? Are you suspended?" Chaeryeong asked worried.

"Nope. Just a warning. Which I am so thankful for. My mom would have locked me up in a room full of cockroaches" Ryujin said.

"Have you heard from Yeji? Is she okay? Did she hear what Minju said? I hope she's okay" Ryujin looking around to see if she can see her but to her luck she wasn't nearby.

"How does it feel to get in trouble again?" Chaeryeong teased.

"Shut up. I didn't get in trouble" Ryujin hit Chaeryeong.

"What do you mean get in trouble again?" Ryujin and Chaeryeong turned around to see Yeji giving them a glare.

"Uh oh" Chaeryeong whispered to Ryujin.

"Someone better answer me" Yeji said getting impatient.

Chaeryeong gulped, "Well Ryujin here was a bit of a troublemaker when we were in high school."

"What kind of trouble did she cause?" Yeji blankly said.

"I never got in trouble! Chaeryeong is being extra" Ryujin defended.

"Okay technically she didn't get in trouble but any other person who tried what she did would have gotten in trouble" Chaeryeong explained.

"Care to give details?" Yeji is now annoyed.

"Nothing bad really. She was pretty much allowed to skip classes, she would go to the principal's office and play, she would sign up for a class but able to work on different things that's not class related and get credit for that class, she could wander the halls and no one would question why she's not in class. Just stuff like that" Chaeryeong answered to avoid angering the kitten some more.

Yeji exhaled loudly, "Oh my god. I thought it was something bad i was worried but how did she have so much freedom in your school?"

Ryujin was about to answer but was cut off by her bestfriend, "She's charming. She doesn't see it or believe it but she charms people. She can charm her way out of things. One time, she was able to convince our physics teacher to go to an amusement park for educational purposes. That was great."

Yeji frowned thinking that if Ryujin is just a charmer to get what she wants, does that mean she's just using her then leave when she's bored

Ryujin noticed the sudden change on her face and quickly hit Chaeryeong then stepped closer to Yeji. "Hey. What are you thinking?" Ryujin asked as soft as possible.

"Just... are you charming me to get something from me?"

"I'm not charming you. I'm courting you. I'm not trying to get something from you. I'm waiting for you to share your heart with me. My intentions towards you are all pure" Ryujin said while tucking a strand of Yeji's hair behind her ear.

"Hey lovebirds, we should probably get to class. We're already late" Lia came to remind them.

"I'll see you at lunch?" Ryujin asked.

Yeji just nodded and smiled.


The four friends are sitting together during lunch just chatting and eating when a girl suddenly hugged Ryujin from behind.

This startled the girl but it made Yeji and Lia frown.

Ryujin turned to see who it is, "Yah Toshio, you scared the crap out of me!" Ryujin removed her arms off her, "And what are you doing here?"

"Didn't you hear? I moved back to town. I wanted to see you and Yuna said you would be here" The girl called Toshio replied.

"Ahh okay. Well let me introduce you to my friends. As you know, this is Chaeryeong." Chaeryeong waved.

"I already know Chaeryeong doofus" the girl chuckled.

"Right hehe. Next, this is Yeji, the girl I'm courting." That statement made Yeji smile knowing that the girl knew Ryujin liked her.

Pointing to Lia, "And that's Lia, Yeji's best friend." Lia shook the girl's hand.

"And everyone, this Toshio, I mean Minjeong. My cousin."

"Please call me Winter instead. Nice to meet you all" Minjeong greeted.

"If your name is Minjeong or Winter then why does Ryujin call you Toshio?" Lia asked.

"Because this monkey thinks I look like that boy from the movie 'The Grudge' so she thinks she should call me that" Winter scoffed.

The girls laughed especially Yeji. She was relieved that the girl she's looking at is a family member and not a possible girl for Ryujin.

Yeji and Lia welcomed Winter. They chatted like they've been friends for so long.

Ryujin interrupted their conversation, "Yeji, can I take you out on a dinner date Saturday?"

"Of course" Yeji smiled.

"Wow. I never thought I'd see the day you'd be pursuing someone monkey" Winter said.

"Neither did I" Ryujin simply answered.

Yeji and Lia continued to get to know Winter until lunch ended. Winter left and the four attended their classes for the rest of the day.

Ryujin wasn't able to say goodbye to Yeji after school because Yeji left early to go to an appointment.

Even though this made Ryujin sad, she understood.

Chaeryeong and Ryujin were now in the car heading home, "You have any new orders lately?" The red head asked.

"Yea but I have time to work on it. They don't need it until next month. With this order, I should have enough to pay my parents back. I should be able to make enough profit to stand on my own from now on" Ryujin answered.

"When are you going to ask Yeji to be your girlfriend?" Chaeryeong asked catching Ryujin off guard.

"I'm not sure. When is the right time? I don't know how many dates are supposed to happen before asking someone to be your girlfriend" Ryujin sighed.

"I badly want to but I also don't want to rush it. You know? I remember when my uncle was courting my aunt. I remember the stuff he did but I don't know remember how long he courted her. It's all a blur. I just remember stealing all the chocolates" she continued.

"I also feel like she's not quite ready yet. I think she likes me back but I think there's still a lot of doubt in her head. So I want to prove myself to her more that I'm serious" Chaeryeong just nodded for a response.

The girls arrived at Ryujin's house, "Well here you are. Have a good night. I'll see tomorrow." Chaeryeong bid.

"See ya. Thanks for the ride" Ryujin said before getting out.

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