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Yuna and Chaeryeong both looked at Ryujin when she arrived. Chaeryeong stood up really fast and pulled Ryujin to sit on Yuna's bed.

"Spill" the two said.

"Chill. I think it went great. She didn't run away and she even implied future dates" Ryujin started.

"Did you kiss? We want details monkey!" Yuna blurted out.

Chaeryeong laughed while Ryujin glared at her little sister.

"We didn't kiss. It's the first date. That's just wrong. We did hold hands though. Her hands fit perfectly into mine. That woman is just too good to be true. I learned so much about her and made me fall for her more. She has a twin brother which I met and mistaken him for Yeji. Thinking about it I may have looked dumb because I asked what happened to her boobs" Ryujin laughed.

The two listening laughed as well. They know Ryujin is smart but sometimes says and does dumb things.

"She has two dogs. She loves to dance. Her favorite color is black. She can be a clutz at times. She's adorable. I expressed my feelings and she didn't run away. I stared at her a lot because it felt like I was dreaming. She has the most adorable smile. She sometimes act like a dork so she's adorkable. I can't wait to get to know her more" Ryujin continued.

"Dang Ryu, you sound like you're head over heels for this girl. I'm glad you're interested with someone now but please don't forget to take care of yourself. Don't give your all to her. Leave some for yourself. You tend to go overboard for people you care about" Chaeryeong said to her best friend.

"Yeah unnie. I don't want people to take advantage of you because of your big heart. I remember how hurt and broken you were when your friendship with that wench ended" Yuna sadly stated.

"I'm okay. I love you two for caring and looking out for me. I just can't help it. I want to do everything for her and give her everything."

"We know monkey. Just remember we will always be here for you" Chaeryeong then tackled Ryujin to give her a big hug.

The three decided to sleep in one bed. Yuna's bed to be exact. It's Sunday the next day so they decided to hang out together.

Even though Chaeryeong is Ryujin's best friend. Her and Yuna are also pretty close. Chaeryeong takes care of Yuna if Ryujin is not around or if she's busy.

The three girls woke up from the smell of breakfast being cooked. Yuna jumped off the bed first and ran downstairs to see her mom and dad cooking breakfast together.

It's really the only time they'll see their dad in the kitchen. He only knows how to cook breakfast foods. The two best friends followed down not that long after.

After breakfast was cooked, they all gathered at the table to eat together.

"So I'm guessing the date went well?" Ryujin's dad asked.

Ryujin gave her dad two thumbs because her mouth was full of food.

"When do we get to meet this girl?" Her mom asked.

"Mom, I'm just courting her right now. It'd be weird to introduce her to you then in the end we're not together" Ryujin answered.

"If you're anything like me, you won't take no for answer" her dad said.

"No offense dad but I don't want to be like you. I'm a one woman kind of gal. If we end up together, she will be my priority. No other girl will come between us."

Yuna starting to sense a fight might arise changed the subject.

"Unnie but I can meet her right? See if they're busy today. Maybe they can join us today. It will be fun" Yuna suggested.

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