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"Ryujin! Stop! I'm wet!" Yeji yelled.

"Come on! This is fun!" Ryujin yelled back.

"You shouldn't teach your niece and nephew to shoot guns!" Yeji said running away from her girlfriend.

"They're water guns. You're supposed to shoot people with this!" Ryujin laughed chasing Yeji along with Lia and Chaeryeong's kids.

Ryujin and Yeji are currently at their friends kid's birthday party.

It's been five years since Ryeji's reunion. The last five years hasn't been easy to say the least. It took some time for Ryujin to trust Yeji and Yeji was still trying to manage her depression.

Ryujin tried her best to understand and be supportive but she's still human. So there are times where it's difficult for her as well. Especially when Yeji always tries to push her away. It took some time for Yuna to accept Yeji again too but after seeing Ryujin happy again, she slowly accepted their relationship again.

After the party was over, the two went home to relax and cuddle before Ryujin had to leave for a business trip the next day. Little does Yeji know that Ryujin doesn't have business to tend to that day. Her and Chaeryeong have other plans.


Ryujin and Chaeryeong are back in the woods where Ryeji had their first date. The truck is back with the blankets and pillows and snacks. They're setting up some flowers to make it look more romantic. Ryujin doesn't think this is enough but she wanted to go back to where they started.

"I can't believe it I'm still with Yeji" Ryujin suddenly shared while still setting things up.

"I know. After the break up, I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life watching you cry like a baby" Chaeryeong joked.

Ryujin laughed, "Thank you by the way. For taking care of me all those times. I know it wasn't easy for you."

"It was no biggie. I know you would have done the same for me. Maybe even more."

"I also admire you. You know? A lot of people would have so much anger if their ex broke up with them with no answers. But even when you weren't together, you tried to understand her. You never hated her" Chaeryeong added.

"I'm sure she had her reasons. I didn't expect that you get back together but I'm glad we did. I think cheating is the only thing I won't tolerate."

"I know. I know how much you hate cheating because you don't understand it."

"Is Jisu getting Yeji yet? Winter is ready and waiting for them on the side of the road" Ryujin said going back to their task at hand.

Chaeryeong checked her phone, "They're on the way."

Ryujin jumped up and down a bit shaking her body, "I'm so nervous."

"Don't be. You'll be fine. Everything will be fine. I can't believe it took you this long to propose."

"I wanted to focus on Yeji. She was still struggling a lot. I didn't want to add anything to her stress."

Chaeryeong's phone went off again, "Ryu! They're coming. Yeji is already in the carriage and Winter is taking her here! I'm gonna go hide!"

Chaeryeong hid with her kids leaving Ryujin feeling anxious while waiting for Yeji to arrive.

Ryujin stood next to the truck holding flowers looking at the direction where Yeji and Winter would come from.

Not long after, she sees the horse and carriage approaching with a confused Yeji sitting at the back. She also saw Lia's car following behind.

The carriage stopped and Ryujin took a deep a breath before walking to them. She helped Yeji get down and handed her the flowers.

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