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Yeji couldn't believe what was in front of her. There, stood two horses, one brown, one black. A white carriage decorated with beautiful white lights and it has red velvet cushions on the seat.

She was busy admiring everything then she felt someone hold her hand. She turned to see whiskers on full view, "You did all this? For me?"

Ryujin simply nodded and pulled her to get going. She helped her up onto the carriage and followed right after.

"Welcome Ms. and Ms., I will be your driver tonight. Please keep all your limbs inside this contraption and remain seated at all times" Winter instructed.

Yeji laughed and Ryujin saluted.

Winter took them to the gazebo where the rest of their date awaits. Ryujin and Yeji enjoyed each other's company the whole ride. Forgetting Winter was also with them.
They talked about anything that came to their minds. Ryujin teased Yeji. Yeji then pouted. Ryujin would pat Yeji's head. Yeji would give back the biggest smile.

The night air was filled with laughter and joy. The two can only feel bliss at the moment. Looking into each other's eyes feeling their fondness towards each other. Feeling the warmth in their hands hoping the night won't end.

They finally arrived at their location. Ryujin got off and helped Yeji down. They both thanked Winter and walked to the gazebo.

Yeji again found herself in awe. The gazebo was beautifully decorated with lights, flowers and fake candles. She saw rose petals scattered on the ground creating a path to the gazebo.

They followed the path until they reached their table. Ryujin pulled out the chair for Yeji then sat across from her. Yeji looked around to see everything up close.

"This is so beautiful Ryu. I can't believe you did all this for me" Yeji said amazed.

"Everyone who dreamt to be a princess growing up should at least be able to feel like one even if it's just for a day or even a night" Ryujin said.

Yeji realizing that Ryujin did this because she mentioned of wanting to be a princess as a kid. She felt overwhelmed. Her emotions are through the roof. Her heart is pounding so hard she's afraid Ryujin might be able to see it.

Yeji's thoughts were disrupted, "Good evening ladies. My name is Chaeryeong and I will serve you tonight."

Yeji found the situation cute. A girl helping her bestfriend win over a girl.

Chaeryeong continued, "For tonight's dinner, we will serve you soup for starters. Veal for the main course and we got a black forest cake for dessert. Would you like wine or champagne?"

"Wine for me please" Yeji requested.

"Champagne please" Ryujin said.

Chaeryeong poured their desired beverage then excused herself.

Yeji kept looking around again, "I can't believe all this. It feels like a fairytale."

"That was the goal" Ryujin said.

"Thank you for this. Really" Yeji softly said.

"I was happy to do it. You don't need to thank me."

"Although I might add Ms. Hwang, you are looking extra beautiful tonight" Ryujin winked which made Yeji blush.

"Not too bad yourself, Ms. Shin" Yeji replied.

Sudden music played which startled the cat like woman. Yeji turned around to see a couple of people playing the violin. She faced Ryujin again, "Is there any other surprise I should know about?"

"If I tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore would it?" Ryujin teased.

Soup has arrived and both girls enjoyed it. Ryujin had no doubt since she knew who made it. It was potato soup and anything with potato in it, Chaeryeong can make it delicious.

The two shared more stories with each other. How Yeji suffered from atopy as a child. Sharing stories about her dogs Hongsam and Insam. Sharing how her two childhood bears came to her possession. How she once hated dancing and loves it again. How she was a part of a dance club. She even shared her memories of being made fun of for having bangs. She mentioned her love for snacks.

Yeji has also shared some of her struggles. Locking herself in the bathroom. Getting stuck in a restroom stall. Locking herself out from her phone. Accidentally using cream for toothpaste and many more.

She shared story about her high school life. Student body president. Track and field athlete. Her and Lia being the so called it girls even though Yeji doesn't understand it. She was your typical A student everyone wanted to be friends with.

While Yeji shared her stories, the main course was served. The Veal was cooked to perfection with their side of garlic green beans and mashed potato.

Before dessert came, Ryujin shared stories about herself. How she drank toilet water with a teaspoon. Shoved chopsticks up her nose. Her mom has told her that raising her was like raising ten kids. She shared all the thinks her and Yuna did growing up that caused them to get in trouble.

Like Yeji, she also shared her high school life. The sports she played like softball, soccer, basketball, bowling and golf. Ryujin was popular not by choice. She was admired by both guys and girls. She shared how much she enjoyed high school since she got a lot of freedom. She was also a part of multiple clubs in school and that was because her besfriend, Chaeryeong, forced her to join. Although there was one club she joined by choice. That was the baking club because she wanted to eat what they made.

The more they got to know each other, the closer they felt. Ryujin realized it's getting near the time where she has to pop the question.

She should be feeling nervous but when she looks at Yeji, all her nerves goes away. She wanted to be with this person sitting in front of her. She wants to hear her laugh every day. She wants to be one of the reasons she smiles. She wants to be the person she can rely on. She simply just wants to be what Yeji needs.

Alas, the time has come, Ryujin stood up from her chair, walked to Yeji. She kneeled in front of her and took hold of her hand. She cleared her throat before looking at Yeji's eyes.

Yeji looked at her confused but still smiling. Maybe Yeji noticed Ryujin's nervousness because she suddenly gave the girl on her knees a nod of encouragement.

Ryujin took another deep breath and finally asked, "Hwang Yeji, will you give me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

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