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Ryujin is preparing for her date with Yeji. She can't contain her excitement. If everything goes well, this will be her first relationship and Yeji will be her first girlfriend.

She asked her sister and her best friend for help to prepare everything. Ryujin is not sure if what she's doing is right or if Yeji will like it. She's just following her guts and hope for the best.

They went to Grandpa Shin's property to set everything up. Ryujin drove her dad's truck into the woods and Chaeryeong followed with her car.

Ryujin arrived at their location. It's the perfect spot for the date she thought. It's up on a hill and it overlooks a view of the lake nearby.

She got out of the truck and walked to Chaeryeong's car to help unload everything.

"Isn't this a bit much for a first date Ryu? If you go all out on your first then there's a lot of pressure on your future dates" Chaeryeong said.

"It's alright Chaeryeong unnie. You should have expected this. I think deep down we knew this monkey is a hopeless romantic" the younger tried to defend her older sister.

"Both of you should stop talking and get working. I want this to be perfect. It's my first ever date. It's a big deal. This is for me as much as it is for Yeji" Ryujin explained to the two.

"You never know, I might experience my first everything here" she continued with a smirk.

"You're disgusting. I hope Yeji rejects you!" Her bestfriend let out.

"You're disgusting for what you're thinking. I wasn't even talking about that. Control your hormones Ryeong" Ryujin laughed.

The three stopped bickering and started setting everything up.

Ryujin parked the truck so it had a perfect view of the lake. She also set up the projector in case they decide to watch a movie. She covered the truck bed with blankets and pillows. She also loaded it with a bunch of snacks amd drinks. Everything is looking great and she's just missing a beautiful woman to be next to her.

"This looks great unnie. I hope Yeji unnie will like it as well. Who knew you're a sucker for love" Yuna teased.

"There's just something special about Yeji. The moment I saw her, I knew I had to get close to her."

"Yeah. You should have seen her when she tried to talk to her. I wish I recorded it. She was rejected. Hard!" The red head added to the teasing.

"I appreciate your help but both of you can leave now you peasants!"

The two pretended to be hurt then entered the car and started driving way. Ryujin forgot she needs a ride back since she can't take the truck. She ran after them yelling for them to stop.

Of course Chaeryeong and Yuna knew this but decided to mess with her. They drove slow but fast enough to where Ryujin can't catch them.

Once they thought Ryujin had learned her lesson and not be mean to them, they stopped the car and let Ryujin in.

"You two are so mean! Now I'm all sweaty and tired! Hurry. I need to take a shower before I pick up Yeji" Ryujin said.

"I will kick you out again and make you walk the rest of the way. Watch your tone with me Ryujin! I will beat you senseless" Chaeryeong glared at Ryujin.

"I'm sorry bestie. I got carried away" Ryujin showed her whisker dimples and made a peace sign.

"You're lucky you're cute" the red head shook her head.


"I like your relationship with your best friend" one of the listener said disrupting the book reading.

"Ahh thank you but please refrain yourself from making comments or asking questions until the end of reading" I said as polite as I could.

"Yeh, I'm sorry. I couldn't help it." I gave her a faint smile

"Anywho, let's get back to the story" I said.


Ryujin is standing in front of Yeji's door trying to figure out how to knock. She doesn't want to do it too light, they might not hear it. She doesn't it want it too hard, her family might think she's too aggressive. But how much force is enough for it to be the right knock?

While contemplating this very hard decision, something caught her eye.

"I'll just use the doorbell" Ryujin said to herself.

Ryujin prepared herself when she heard the door open. When she saw the figure standing in front of her, she was left speechless. She couldn't find the right words.

"Ye-yeji? You cut your hair? Why? I mean you look beautiful Yeji. Your new hair style suits you really well? But where did your boobs go?" Ryujin questioned.

"Are you stupid? I'm not Yeji dingbat! I'm her brother. Who are you?" He asked after flicking her forehead.

Ryujin bowed then extended her hand, "I am The Shin Ryujin. I am here to pick up my angel to take her on our date. May I ask for your name future brother in law?"

"I'm Hyunjin. Don't call me brother in law you freak! What happened to Minju? Why is my sister going on a date with someone else?" He questioned.

Before Ryujin could speak up, she was cut off by Yeji, "First of all, don't call her a freak. Second, I broke up with Minju because she keeps flirting with other girls. Third, I can go on a date with whoever I want."

Yeji told her brother to go away and now Yeji is front of Ryujin.

"Wow. How is it possible you're even more beautiful Yeji? Have you seen yourself? Just wow. You can't be real. Someone pinch because I have to be dreaming" Ryujin dramatically said.

"You're so silly. So where are we going? I'm kinda nervous. I've never been on a surprise date" Yeji nervously said.

"It's a secret but don't worry. I'll make sure to take care of you if it's the last thing I do" Ryujin saluted Yeji.

Yeji laughed in disbelief that Ryujin is this goofy.

Ryujin reached out her hand, "Shall we? Mah lady?"

Yeji then took Ryujin's hand, "We shall."

They skipped to Ryujin's car because Ryujin thought walking was too boring.

The two drove off to their date.

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