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Ryujin got an unexpected phone call from Yeji. She answered the phone and heard crying in the other line.

"Yeji? Are you okay?" Ryujin asked.

"I want to break up."

With those words, Ryujin's world fell apart. The pain in her heart seemed unbearable. She can't breathe. Her room felt like it's spinning. She didn't know what to say.

"Ryujin, I can't do this anymore. I just don't feel the same about you. Your sweet gestures is starting to burden me. We should end this now before you move here" Yeji added.

"Where is this coming from? How can you end this so easily?" Ryujin trying to hold in her tears.

"I still love you but I just don't see a future for us. This is too hard. I can't ask you to give up your life there to move here just because of me."

"What? You know I don't mind. I would do anything for you Yeji please don't do this. What happened to the promises we made? The plans we had for our future?" Ryujin is now sobbing.

"Promises are meant to be broken. I'm sorry Ryujin. I'm tired. I want to be done."

"Am I not worth fighting for? How can you just give up?"

"I'm sorry Ryujin. Good bye" final words Yeji uttered before hanging up.

Ryujin clutched her chest. She wanted to scream and yell. She tried. Every time she wanted to release the sound of her cries, nothing would come out. She fell asleep on her bedroom floor that night while holding her chest.

The next day wasn't any better for Ryujin. Her eyes were swollen, her head hurt and she wants to rip out her heart.

She wanted to hate Yeji. Be mad at her but she couldn't. She loved Yeji. Scratch that, she loves Yeji. So she had no choice but to respect her choice. All she wants is for Yeji to be happy and to give her what she wants. And if this is what she wants then Ryujin will give it to her.

Someone knocked on her door but she didn't answer.

"Ryu? Are you there?" Chaeryeong opened the door and peeked in.

She saw Ryujin laying on the floor and ran after her.

"Ryu, what are you doing on the floor?"

"Chaeryeong. It hurts. What did I do wrong? I was willing to give her everything. I gave her my all" Ryujin cried.

Chaeryeong held her bestfriend and also crying, "I know Ryu. It's gonna be okay. We're here for you."

Yuna also entered the room after hearing cries from her sister, "Unnie" she choked.

"Make the pain go away please. Why does it hurt? Why can't I stop crying? How could she let me go easily? Why am I not mad?" Ryujin screamed while crying.

"Ryeong? Does Lia know something? How can Yeji just suddenly stop loving me like that? Ryeong?" She cried even more.

Yuna and Chaeryeong are both crying now. They've never seen Ryujin like this. Chaeryeong is trying her best to help Ryujin. Yuna was too mad at Yeji for hurting her sister.

"Unnie, there's no point on crying over someone who clearly doesn't give a shit about you" Yuna angrily said.

"Yuna. I know you're mad but please don't. She's still our friend" Chaeryeong said.

"No! My number one priority is my sister! Anyone who hurts her is no friend of mine! Look at her! Look how hurt she is! Look how miserable she is! How can you still consider her a friend after what she did to your bestfriend?!" Yuna said while pointing at her sister.

"Yuna... I don't want you to hate Yeji" Ryujin croaked. She's losing her voice from the crying.

"How can you still defend her when she broke your heart Unnie?"

"Because I love her. It's not puppy love. She's my one true love. I don't know if I'll ever be able to move on but as long as she's happy I'll be okay. I just need to let it out. Don't worry too much about me okay?" Ryujin tried to cheer up Yuna.

"I just want her to take care of herself. Accomplish all her goals in life even if it means I'm not by her side. If she thinks that leaving is what's best for her, then good for her" Ryujin continued.

"Unnie... how is that fair for you?"

"All is fair in love and war they say."

"Ryu, we will get through this okay?" Chaeryeong said.

Ryujin just nodded and gave her friend a weak smile.

Chaeryeong and Yuna spent the rest of the day trying to cheer up Ryujin. Lia came over as well but didn't stay long. She said she had video call date with Yeji.

"Ryu, don't turn to alcohol or drugs while you're going through this break up okay?" Chaeryeong suddenly blurt out.

"Of course not. You know me, I can be reckless but I don't do things that can permanently damage my future."

"Ryu, you're amazing you know that? Whoever ends up marrying you someday will be so damn lucky. It's Yeji's loss that she let you go."

"Ryeong, I might be crazy but I believe Yeji will come back" Ryujin said with hope.

"Ryu. Do not wait for her. Move on. You'll find someone else."

"But that's not fair to that someone else if Yeji is still in my heart. I will never be able to give them my all. They'll always be compared to Yeji as long as she's in here" Ryujin said while pointing at her heart.

"What? You're gonna wait for Yeji?"

"I can't answer that. Maybe down the line when some time has passed, I might be able to move on and be with someone else. But right now? That's not in my plans. I have no desire to be with anyone else."

She took a deep breath and sighed, "I can't promise I will move on but I also can't promise that I'll wait for her. No one knows the future. I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't know every person I'm gonna meet and what their role is in my life. But I know that loving Yeji is the best thing I've ever done and ever felt. It was just easy to love her. I will never regret giving Yeji my heart."

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