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"Welcome back everyone. I hope everyone was able to do some stretching and was able to use the restroom" I said.

"Let's get started. Please stand in line if you have a question to ask me."

"This is your love story but there were parts where you weren't around in the story so how did you know those events with your friends happened?" Guest 1 asked.

"My friends helped me with the story. They shared those events with me."

"This is not a question. But I want you to know that Yeji did not deserve you. How could she leave you like that after evething you've done for her." Guest 2 said.

"Yeji probably has her reasons. I'm not mad at her for it. I just wish she's happy wherever she is."

"Did Karina cheat on you?" Guest 3 asked.

"No. It was a mutual break up."

"Your business is well known in the whole world. You provide affordable curriculum that supports STEAM programs. I'm sure Yeji must have heard about you. What would you do if she comes back looking for you?" Guest 4 said.

"I honestly don't know. I never thought about it. For a while after we broke up, I hoped and begged that she will come back but that day never came so we will never know."

"Are you still friends with Lia and Chaeryeong? If so, is Lia still friends with Yeji?" Guest 5 asked.

"Yes I am friends with them. And as for Lia and Yeji. I'm not sure. I stopped asking about Yeji when I saw that picture of her in a wedding dress. I have to respect her and the person she was with. And I believe Lia stopped sharing about Yeji to avoid hurting me."

"Do you still love her?" Guest 6 asked.

"She's my first love. I think a part of me will always love her."

"If she asks you to get back together, would you?" Guest 7 asked.

"I don't know. Probably not? Our relationship is broken now. What I went through was so painful. I feel like if we were to get back together, I'll always have that fear that she will leave again."

"How come you're not mad at her or hate her for breaking you?" Guest 8 asked.

"How can I get mad at her for doing what she wanted? She wanted to end our relationship and I will always respect that."

"The part where you were describing the moment you two were drifting apart, how come it seemed rush? The end actually seemed rush" Guest 9 asked.

"Because not a lot happened that time. So I just gave a brief moment of what happened. How we were losing touch with each other. I didn't feel like dragging that on. This book is about my love story but my love story ended when she broke up with me. I just tried to give the story some closure after the break up."

"But you never got closure from Yeji though? I" Guest 9 said.

"No I didn't but life goes on."

"Are you currently seeing someone right now?" Guest 10 asked.

"I would like to keep this information private if you don't mind."

"Aren't you curious what's the reason why Yeji broke up with you?" Guest 11 asked.

"I am but unanswered questions are just a part of life sadly."

"How are you doing? Like for real?" Guest 12 asked.

I laughed, "Thank you for asking. But I've accepted the fact that Yeji and I weren't just meant to be."

While the next guest moved to the mic, I noticed my shoes were untied so I bent down to tie it.

"What if Yeji hasn't accepted the fact that you and her aren't meant to be?" The next Guest asked.

I stood back up to answer but the moment I laid eyes on the guest in front of me, the ache in my heart came back and I started sweating.

She still looked as beautiful as ever. Those features I love are still as magnificent as ever. Her beauty is still captivating. I was again lost in her eyes. I can't believe she's really in front of me.

"Hwang Yeji" I accidentally whispered into the mic.

The room was filled with gasped and people whispering.

"Nice to see you again Shin Ryujin, the author." She smiled and I think I just died.

"Umm that's all we have time for your questions. Again thank you for coming and supporting my story. Have a safe drive home everyone" I bid goodbye before walking off the stage.

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