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Ryujin woke up early to prepare food for their date. She's planning to take Yeji for a picnic at her favorite park. She packed everything up and loaded it into her car.

She texted Yeji to inform her that she's on her way. She stopped by the flower shop to get Yeji flowers again.

Ryujin is standing in front of Yeji's door bearing gifts. She rang the doorbell and waited.

Yeji opened the door and saw Ryujin holding flowers. She smiled, "Is this gonna be an every date thing? Giving me flowers?"

"Nah. It's just when I feel like it. I could give you flowers even if we aren't on a date" Ryujin said while trying to make a flirtatious face.

"Ryujin! Are you okay? You look like you're in pain?" Yeji touched Ryujin's face.

"What? No! I was trying to make a sexy face" Ryujin pouted.

"You scared me! I thought you were pain!"

"Kiss the pain away?" Ryujin puckered her lips.

"You're becoming bold eh?"

"Nooo...." Ryujin looked down trying to avoid eye contact.

"Anywho, you ready to go? Our date awaits" Ryujin stepped aside and bowed to make way for Yeji.

Yeji laughed at Ryujin's silliness that she can't seem to get tired of.

The usual, Ryujin opened the door Yeji and helped her in and helped her out when they got to the park.

The two girls arrived at the park. Ryujin took out the gigantic basket out of the trunk and a blanket.

"Picnic okay for our date?"

Yeji nodded, "More than okay."

Ryujin walked to her favorite spot. She laid down the blanket and prepared the food. After she was done, she patted the spot where she wanted Yeji to sit.

"Before we eat. I got you a gift" Ryujin said.

"What? Ryujin. Isn't it too much? You already prepared all this and got me flowers."

"Please?" Ryujin pleaded.


Ryujin took out a box from the basket, "So it's not just for you actually." Ryujin saw the confusion on Yeji's face so she just continued talking.

"This is for you. Its an LED box that's in a shape of a heart. When you turn it on, the lights forming the heart shape will stay solid then your name inside will flash. You also have a keychain that has your name on it." Ryujin handed Yeji the items.

"I also got this rose for your mom, your brother a keychain as well and your dad a pen holder." Ryujin showed Yeji everything.

"I know the pen holder is random but I didn't know what to give him."

"Did you make all this?" Yeji was looking through everything.

"Uhh yes. Perks of having 3D printers" Ryujin nervously chuckled.

"This is amazing Ryu. You somehow always find a way to amaze me. We've known each other for like two weeks and it's been the most amazing two weeks of my life." Yeji stopped talking to think.

"But I'm scared. Everything is going so fast but I can feel myself already falling for you... I don't know how you do it but you make my heart skip a beat with every gesture you make. I don't know what I did for you to treat me this way. To make me feel like the most special woman on earth. I even insulted you when you first introduced yourself. I judge you based on your appearance but instead of being mad. You're here courting me. You don't deserve me. You deserve someone better." Yeji was shaking.

Ryujin kneeled in front of Yeji so they're face to face and took both of her hands.

"Yeji, look at me" Yeji looked into Ryujin's eyes and she can see the sincerity in them. "First thing, what makes you think I deserve better than you? In my eyes you're out of my league. Second, I don't believe in deserving something. To me we earn the things we want in life. We don't deserve things. We earn them. That's my goal with you. I want to earn your trust, I want to earn your honesty, I want to earn the title of being your girlfriend and I want to earn your love."

Ryujin looked down at their hands. She can feel Yeji tremble. Ryujin then started caressing Yeji's hands with her thumb, "I'm not trying to rush you with anything. So don't feel pressured that you have to give me something in return. Also you shouldn't doubt yourself so much. You're wonderful Yeji. You're caring and understanding. I can tell you have a hard time trusting people and thats okay. And let's not forget you're drop dead gorgeous. Do you know how many times a day I almost die because of you? A lot. You keep taking my breath away and it's not nice. Your beauty can literally cause someone to drop head."

Yeji couldn't believe this cheeseball in front of her. In all their seriousness, she decides to be funny. Yeji couldn't help but laugh though. She loves how Ryujin can make her laugh.

"Yah!" She slaps her shoulder, "We were having a moment!"

"I know but I wanted to see you smile" Ryujin simply said.

Yeji suddenly felt the need to hug Ryujin so that's what she did. She pulled Ryujin in for a hug which completely shocked the other.

"Oh my god! Were hugging! Were hugging! Oh my god! Are my hands okay?! Are they too low on your back or too high? Are you okay?! Am I squeezing too tight or not tight enough?! Why are hugs so complicated?!" Ryujin is now panicking.

"Ryu, just relax your body and enjoy the moment" Yeji calmly said.

Ryujin did just that. She relaxed her body and she felt comfortable now. They hugged for the longest time until Ryujin's stomach ruined the moment.

"We should eat" Yeji laughed and Ryujin's face turned red from embarrassment.

Both girls are enjoying their food. Yeji complimenting Ryujin for the food. Ryujin shamelessly trying to flirt with Yeji nonstop.

Sadly every date must come to an end. They spent a few hours together and it's now time to take Yeji home.

Yeji helped Ryujin pack everything up and they walked back to the car. Ryujin drove Yeji home and walked her to the front door.

Throughout the whole ride home, all Ryujin could think about was the hug. She wishes for another one but she's actually afraid to ask or initiate. She doesn't want to accidentally cross Yeji's boundaries.

She's now standing in front of Yeji trying to gain courage to ask for a hug. While Yeji is trying to find the right words to invite Ryujin to watch her dance performance tomorrow.

"Sooo.." Both girls said.

"Ah you go first" Ryujin offered.

"Would ummm. Uhh would you be able to attend my dance performance tomorrow? You don't have to because you might meet my parents so if you're not comfortable with that yet, it's fine. I just thought I'd offer" Yeji said in one breath.

"Woah calm Yeji. You're acting like me and if you do that then I lose my purpose in this relationship that's developing between us" Ryujin joked and Yeji just rolled her eyes.

"But to answer your question, I would love to watch you perform but on one condition."


Ryujin using her baby voice, "Can I get another hug?"

"You are ridiculous! Of course you can" Yeji pulled Ryujin into another hug and this time Ryujin wasn't panicking.

"You can also bring Yuna too tomorrow if she wants" Yeji proposed.

"Okay. I'll ask. I can't wait to see you dance!"

"I better go in. I'm sure my parents are probably wondering why it's taking me so long to go in" Yeji said.

"Yea. I'll see you tomorrow my angel!" Ryujin said one last time before Yeji opened the door and walked in.

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