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"Toshio! Will you focus!? I need to know your schedule Saturday! I need your help!" Ryujin yelled.

"Then stop calling me Toshio, angry kitten!" Winter yells back.

"Both of you! Shut up! You're hurting my ears!" Chaeryong joined the yelling.

"Why are we yelling!?" Yuna yelled at everyone.

There was a sudden pound on the door, "ALL OF YOU! KEEP IT DOWN BEFORE I GO IN THERE!" Shin sisters' mom yelled from the other side of the door.

"Yes mom/auntie/Mrs. Shin" all four girls replied.

"So what's your plan?" Chaeryeong asked

"It's gonna be a fairytale theme date. I already got the location secured and got everything we need. We just need to pick it up. I mainly need your help with setting it up" Ryujin said.

"What made you come up with a fairytale theme?" Winter asked.

"Yeji mentioned that when she was younger she wanted to become a princess" Ryujin replied while making a list of what needs to get done.

"So Chaeryeong unnie, are you going to ask Lia unnie soon?" Yuna asked.

"Maybe. Ryujin set up a double date with them. Hopefully I'll ask her to go on a date with just the two of us" Chaeryeong said with little to no confidence.

"Ryeong, you got this. I believe in you!" Winter cheered.

Winter then turn to Ryujin, "And you, are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend this Saturday?"

"I'm thinking about it. Is it too soon though?" Ryujin asked the three.

"Ryujin, were in the 21st century. I think it's enough time" Winter spoke.

"Yeah, I agree with Winter unnie" Yuna joined.

"I thought about it. I want to ask her. How amazing would it be to date Yeji" Ryujin imagined.

"Also, Ryeong and Yuna. You two are in charge of dinner for my date with Yeji okay?" The two nodded.

"Then Winter, you're gonna help with the horse and carriage. Since you're the only one aside from me who knows how to drive one" Ryujin faced Winter.

"Then I'll ask Lia to dress me" Ryujin laughed.

The girls continued to plan and assign who is in charge of what for Saturday.

Chaeryeong suddenly goes off topic, "I'm thinking about asking Yeji if I can join her in their dance studio."

"That's great Ryeong. You love dancing" Ryujin said.

"Yeah, how come it took you this long to want to join a studio?" Winter asked.

"I only dance in front of people I know. I'm not confident enough to dance in front of other people" Chaeryeong answered.

"Which is crazy because Chaeryeong unnie is an amazing dancer!" Yuna excitedly said.

"You know I always thought you and Chaeryeong would end up together, Ryu" Winter said randomly.

Ryujin faked vomited and Chaeryeong gagged and shook her head trying to get the image out of her head.

"Why would you say such a terrible thing?" Ryujin asked.

Chaeryeong hit Ryujin, "Yah! You act like being with me would be so bad!?"

"That's not what I meant. I mean it's gross to see you that way since you're like my family too. I'm not saying you're ugly" Ryujin rubbed her arm where she was hit.

"Well that's what I'm saying. You're ugly, monkey. So I don't see myself with you!" The red head scoffed.

"I told you! You're ugly unnie. I'm the pretty Shin!" Yuna joined.

"Yea, I agree. Yuna is prettier than you Ryu" Winter added.

"How am I always the target when we're together? You guys keep ganging up on me!" Ryujin pouted.

"It's because we can't win against you one on one" Chaeryeong said.

"As much as I'd like to stay and be abused by you three, I have to go and do some work" Ryujin stood up.

"You're leaving just like that? You're not even gonna respond to what Chaeryeong said?" Winter stopped Ryujin.

"What can I say? I am the best when it comes to teasing one on one. Nothing much to say" she shrugged her shoulders.

The three laughed, "You're so full of yourself" Yuna stated.

"I can't help it. I am The Shin Ryujin" She winked then left the room.

The three girls left in the room decided to watch a movie while Ryujin went into her mini workspace in their garage.

Instead of doing work, she's contemplating on what's the best way to ask Yeji to be her girlfriend and she's hoping that the other girl would say yes.

Meanwhile, in Ryujin's bedroom, the three girls were talking about Ryujin.

"I can't believe Ryu might have a girlfriend soon" Chaeryeong said.

"I know. I hope she doesn't change and forget about us" Yuna showed her concern.

"I don't think she will. She's like a puppy. She's so loyal to the people she cares about" Winter defended Ryujin.

"Do you think Yeji unnie will say yes?" The youngest asked.

"I would be really shocked if she doesn't. From her actions and body language, it seems like she likes our Ryujinie too" Chaeryeong said.

"I can't say much about Yeji since I just met her but I do recall in the past that both girls and boys having crushes on her" Winter said reminiscing about the past.

"I remember those days! Then Ryujin was too blind to see when people flirt with her!" Chaeryeong exclaimed.

"Some of my friends in school have a crush on her. Since you two graduated and left me all alone to fend for myself, you should hear some people brag about the fact that they know unnie" Yuna sighed.

"Aww our poor baby" Chaeryeong teased.

"Psshh I'm going to bed demon fox" Yuna stood up and left the room.

"Aishh. That girl. Only Ryujin can call me that" she shakes her head and Winter laughed.

"We should probably get some sleep too. Ryujin probably won't be back until late" Chaeryeong laid down on the bed.

"Okay good night Ryeong!" Winter left to go to sleep in Yuna's room.

Ryujin finally decided to go to sleep at around 2 am.

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