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It's New Year's eve and the girls are hanging out at Chaeryeong's house. It's just a simple friends get together. They have fireworks and firecrackers to play with and Ryujin is the most excited. She loves firecrackers.

The girls were playing games when Ryujin suddenly asked, "Ryeong, can I go to your neighbor's house to ask if I could take some apples?"

"Sure why not" her bestfriend allowed her.

Ryujin ran out the door in a flash leaving Yeji and Lia confused.

"What was that all about?" Lia was the one to ask.

"It's a thing Ryujin does when there's firecrackers involve. She's pretty much close to my neighbor because of that" Chaeryeong said not really clearing the confusion.

"That doesn't answer the apple thing babe" Lia said kind of annoyed.

Chaeryeong gulped, "She picks up apples that have fallen off the tree and stuff it with firecrackers so the apple will blow up into pieces."

"Was that so hard to say to begin with?" Lia said full of attitude.

"I'm sorry baby" Chaeryeong apologized.

Ryujin came back from the neighbors, holding two bags full of apple.

"Unnie, do you really need that much apples?" Yuna asked.

"Of course."

Ryujin sat next to Yeji because she felt tired from picking up the apples. She rested her head on the taller girl's shoulder and held her hand.

"I love you Yeji" Ryujin said and kissed the back of Yeji's hand.

"I love you too" Yeji replied.

"So Ryeong, when are we gonna do the firecrackers?" Ryujin asked getting impatient.

"Later. Just wait" her bestfriend snapped at her.

Ryujin pouted, "Do you have other things I can blow up?"

"You know for someone who's so safety conscious, you sure love to blow up stuff" Yeji laughed.

"I've always had a side destruction and aggression" Ryujin winked at Yeji.

Yeji blushed thinking about Ryujin's dominant side in bed.

Ever since Christmas, the two could not get enough of each other. Doing it every chance they get.

Lia noticed her bestfriend blush, "Ohhh our Yeji here must be thinking of her sexy time with Ryujin."

"Shut up!" Yeji said covering her face.

"I can't believe my innocent Ryu is sexually active now" Chaeryeong commented.

"Not innocent at all" Yeji mumbled.

"What was that?" Chaeryeong teased which made the others laugh including Ryujin.

"Okay that's enough. Don't make Yeji burn up from blushing" Ryujin pulled down Yeji's hands so she can look into her eyes, "I love our sexy time."

Yeji pushed Ryujin's face away from hers, "Aish. You're teasing me too."

"That's one of my jobs as your girlfriend" Ryujin smiled.

"Whatever" Yeji rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry baby.  Please forgive me" Ryujin said using her cute voice.

"Eww unnie. Stop it. Don't talk like that. It's disgusting" Yuna cringed.

"I'm absolutely adorable Tuna. Unlike you" Ryujin stuck out her tongue.

"Don't call me Tuna!" Yuna huffed.

"So Tuna, is Wonyoung coming? Are you gonna kiss at midnight?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Not you too unnie" Yuna pouted.

"Yuna is not kissing anyone at midnight. Maybe on the cheeks is fine but not on the lips" Ryujin said seriously.

"Unnie it's not a big deal. We already kis—" Yuna shut her mouth real quick.

"Shin Yuna! You should not be kissing anyone yet!" Ryujin is now standing up.

"Unnie I'm 18 and going to college next year! I'm old enough to kiss!" Yuna argued.

Yeji stood up to hold Ryujin, "Babe I know you're being protective over Yuna but she is old enough to make her own decisions."

"I know but I'll always see her as my little baby even if she's taller than me."

"Unnie, I will always be your baby sister but you have to give me some freedom" Yuna said hugging her sister.

"Okay my baby Tuna" Ryujin said with a smirk. Yuna slapped her arm so hard, the sound was deafening.

"OW!" Ryujin yelped while she rubbed her arm.

"Okay you two that's enough. It's time to blow some shit up" Chaeryeong said.

Ryujin didn't even let Chaeryeong finish the sentence and she was already out the door with her bags of apples.

Ryujin spent a lot of her time blowing up apples. She would put in 5 or 6 firecrackers in one apple and blow it up. At one point, Yeji ended up covered in apple juices and for a moment, Ryujin thought that today was gonna be her last day on earth.

Wonyoung has arrived and she seemed to fit well in the group. Ryujin of course pouted that another person was taller than her. She's surrounded by giants and only Lia can relate to her but Lia doesn't care that she's short.

It's starting to get dark so Ryujin was in charge of setting up and lighting the fireworks. The girls watched beautiful lights exploded in the night sky. Chaeryeong and Lia cuddled up in one chair, Wonyoung and Yuna sitting together while holding hands and there's Yeji watching her girlfriend have fun watching things explode.

As the night goes on, the group of friends are starting to feel excited. They're excited to welcome the new year with the people they care about.

Ryujin is delighted to enter the new year with someone she loves. She's had a lot of first with Yeji and she's about to add New Year's kiss into that list.

10 minutes left until midnight.

"Ryu, remember you have to jump at midnight so you can grow taller" Chaeryeong teased.

"I jump every year and nothing changes" Ryujin sighed.

5 minutes left until midnight.

Chaeryeong is filling up glasses with champagne and gave everyone a glass.

1 minute left until midnight.

Ryujin faced Yeji getting ready for the countdown.

30 seconds.

They stared deep into each other's eyes.











The big fireworks lit up the night sky as the clock struck midnight.

"I'm sacrificing my height by not jumping just to kiss you" Ryujin teased Yeji.

Yeji rolled her eyes and pulled her girlfriend in for a New Year's kiss.

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