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It's now Saturday morning.

The big day where Ryujin will ask Yeji to be her girlfriend. They woke up early to start decorating.

A lot of things were needed for this date. Ryujin had to talk to her mom's friend if she could use their gazebo for her date. She had to talk to her grandpa if she could borrow a couple of his horses and his carriage. She had to get ingredients for their dinner. She had to get the lights, flowers, candles and bribed a couple of Yuna's classmates to play the violin for them.

Some may say, it might be over the top like it's a marriage proposal but Ryujin could care less. She wants Yeji to feel extra special tonight.

She had informed Lia to make sure that Yeji wears a formal attire.

The four girls are busy setting everything up. Hanging lights, placing flowers in different locations, along with fake candles. Ryujin opted out using real candles because its a fire hazard.

Yuna and Chaeryeong head into the house to prep the food. Winter is doing some finishing touches before she had to go with Ryujin to get the horses.

At their grandpa's, Ryujin was guiding the horses into the trailer while Winter and their grandpa is loading the carriage onto a flatbed trailer.

"This girl must be really special to put this much effort huh" Grandpa said to Ryujin after they finished everything.

"Yes Grandpa" She smiled.

"I still can't believe you like girls. I thought it was just a phase" He said in a sad tone.


"And why are you putting so much effort on a girl?" He paused pinching the bridge of his nose, "no guy should ever put this much effort just to get one girl. When I was your age, if a girl played hard to get, you leave them."

"Well I'm not a guy so..." Ryujin said.

All she wants to do is leave but she can't because her grandpa decided to talk to her.

"But you're the one courting her. Wasting your time. I'm sure you can get other girls where you don't need to put that much effort" He continued his lecture.

"Grandpa, I want to do this. I chose to do this. How is it a waste of my time when it brings me so much joy to see how much she appreciates what I do for her? Is this really about the efforts I put in or the fact that I'm a girl courting another girl?" Ryujin finally talked back.

Her grandpa wasn't as open minded as her parents. When she came out to her parents, they were extremely supportive, surprisingly even her dad considering he grew up with the old man she calls grandpa.

Grandpa sighed, "I just don't understand it. How can a girl like another girl? I love you Ryujin but I just don't understand. A woman needs a man to protect them, provide for them, provide a home, build things for them and fix stuff around the house."

"Grandpa, you don't have to be a man to do all of those. A woman can provide those things as much as a man can. And if things needs fixing or built, did you forget that you're the one who taught me how to use tools and provided me my mechanical knowledge? I grew up helping you build sheds, renovate your kitchen, work on your cars and I also worked part time as a construction worker before. But a relationship between two people is a partnership. They protect each other, build a home together, provide for each other. Not one doing everything."

Grandpa extended his hand for a handshake. That's his way of saying I'm sorry and I love you. He doesn't do hugs. His family knows that. This made Ryujin smile and accepted his handshake.

"I'm sorry I don't understand you but I will still love you and will try to understand. You are one of my grandkids after all. You grew up to be such a fine woman. I'm glad you didn't take after me or your father" her grandpa proudly said.

"Thank you grandpa and thank you for letting me borrow your stuff for this date. I'll let you know how it goes!" Ryujin said.

"I wanna meet this girl soon. I wanna see what got my granddaughter working so hard for someone's heart" her grandpa smiled.

"You will. She's the best, grandpa. She's also beautiful."

"You better get going then. Visit me anytime with your sister please. It gets lonely here and your aunt fights me a lot" he chuckled.

"Sure thing grandpa. I'll see you later."

Ryujin drove off with the truck that has the horses while Winter followed with the truck that has the carriage.

While driving, Ryujin started to feel nervous. There's still a possibility that Yeji will say no. She doesn't know how she would handle it if that happens. Of course, she would respect her decision but it would still hurt.

They parked the trucks and trailers near Yeji's house. Ryujin helped Winter unload the carriage. She then went to check on the horses before leaving to get ready for the big date.

Winter drove Ryujin home. "You look really nervous" Winter said.

"I am. Even though she might like me, she can still reject me, you know?"

"Yea I know. But I believe she will say yes."

"I hope so." Ryujin slouched in her seat.

Ryujin was deep in thoughts when her phone vibrated. It was Lia asking if everything is going well. She replied yes then put her phone back in her pocket.

Now they're back home and Ryujin gets ready. She looks at the outfit Lia chose for her. It's just navy blue pants, white buttoned up shirt, black suit jacket, brown belt and brown dress shoes.

She put it on. She didn't think they go together but she thought she actually looked pretty good.

Its now time for her date. Winter and her drove to where the horses are. Winter was dressed like a chauffeur and it made Ryujin laugh.

"Thank you for this by the way, Winter" Ryujin showed gratitude.

"You owe me. This isn't for free" Winter joked.

The horses and carriage is now ready.

"You ready?" Winter asked.

Ryujin shook her arms and legs to ease her nerves then looked at Winter, "Ready."

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