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The next day, Ryujin was waiting for Lia and Yeji in the parking lot. Ever since Ryujin started courting Yeji, they've been parking their cars together. Chaeryeong was already in the campus because she needed to talk to one of her professors.

Ryujin was leaning on her car when she saw Yeji's car pull in. She stood up straight and fixed herself so she looks decent.

When Yeji parked her car, Ryujin walked towards them and opened the door for Yeji.

Yeji said thank you and got out. Ryujin then closed the door. They're now facing each other smiling forgetting that Lia is also there.

"You guys suck. It's like I don't even exist" Lia said before walking away.

The two laughed before looking at each other again.

"I got you something" Yeji said and took out the shirt from her bag.

"Me? You didn't have to Yeji but thank you."

"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to. Just don't judge it too hard" Yeji handed the shirt to Ryujin.

Ryujin unfolded the shirt and looked at it. She tried to hold her laughter but failed.

Yeji felt so embarrassed. She wanted to run away but she knows Ryujin would follow anyways.

Ryujin saw the look on Yeji's face and stopped laughing. "Hey. I love it. I really do. I love cats and I also love that it's realistic and you added poop?" She said unsure.

Yeji covered her face, "It's supposed to be mocha bread" she mumbled.

"It's a what?"

Yeji put down her hands and sighed, "It's supposed to be mocha bread."

"Of course it is! I'm sorry my eyes must have been so tired this morning. Now I see it. It's clearly mocha bread. How stupid of me" Ryujin gave Yeji the sweetest smile.

"You're just saying that. I know my drawing sucks. Lia said I draw like a little kid. One time I drew a princess saying it was me and she made fun of me because it looked like a child drew it" Yeji pouted.

"Nothing wrong with that. It's your style or technique. There's all sorts of different style out there like abstract, realism, expressionism and etc. Your technique is child like" Ryujin said hoping to cheer up the girl in front of her.

"Also you were one of those kids who wanted to be a princess huh?" Ryujin smirked.

They started walking towards the campus and continued to talk.

"Why? Didn't you want to be a princess when you were younger?" Yeji asked.

"Nah" the shorter girl simply said.

"Then what did you wanna become?" Yeji is now curious.

"A firefighter. I've always admired them when I was younger. They help a lot of people and save lives."

"Why not a doctor then? I feel like that's a more common answer from kids when their reasoning is to help people."

"Because even though there's some percentage of people choose that for the reason of helping people. Majority of people choose it for the money or were forced to by their parents." Ryujin paused, "Where a firefighter, they don't get paid as much but people still choose it. You can even volunteer to be one."

Yeji was surprised by Ryujin's answer. She knew the girl walking beside her has a big heart but she didn't know how big. Now she felt like she got a glimpse of it and it made her happy.

They walked to Yeji's class first because Ryujin wanted to drop her off. They bid goodbye and Ryujin made her way to her class. On the way, she was in deep thought. Learning about Yeji wanting to be a princess gave her an idea for their upcoming date.

Instead of paying attention in her class, she planned her date. Contacted people and friends for the things she needs. She's also contemplating whether she would ask Yeji to be her girlfriend. They've known each for less than a month but she just felt right with Yeji. She could only hope that Yeji felt the same.

Lunch time again has come. As usual, the group of friends are joking around or making fun of Ryujin.

"Ryu, what do you have plan for your date with Yeji this weekend?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Why would I tell you when Yeji is sitting right there?" Ryujin rolled her eyes.

"I'm just curious since you haven't asked for help" the red head pouted.

"I was gonna ask later when we were alone. But now thanks to you Yeji knows I'm planning something."

"Sowwy" Chaeryeong cutely said while bringing her face closer to Ryujin.

Ryujin shoved her face away and scoffed.

"Ryeongie when are you gonna take me out on a date?" Lia suddenly asked.

Chaeryeong choked and Ryujin almost spit out her food to laugh. Yeji snapped her head so fast to look at Lia.

"Is there something going on between you two that we should know?" Yeji asked her bestfriend.

"No... I was joking" Lia said shyly.

"Is it really a joke?" Ryujin asked raising her eyebrows.

Ryujin knew Chaeryeong has a crush on Lia but was too shy to admit it.

"We should have a double date next weekend. What do you guys say?" Ryujin suggested.

Yeji catching on to what Ryujin is trying to do immediately agreed, "That's a wonderful idea. Right Lia?"

Lia smiled sheepishly and nodded.

Chaeryeong pinched Ryujin's side and glared at her before agreeing.

"Great! Sounds like a plan. What does everyone think of skating?" Ryujin already planning the double date.

"Ice skates or roller skates?" Chaeryeong asked.

"Can we do roller skates instead of ice skating please" Lia pleaded.

"That's fine. Is everyone okay with that?" Ryujing looked for approval.

The three girls nodded.

"It's set then. Roller skates next weekend and it is a double date. Not a friend date. Meeting adjourned" Ryujin suddenly said then slammed her hand on the table.

Lunch ended and like in previous times, nothing much happened during the afternoon classes.

The four girls did their normal routine of saying goodbye to each other before separating ways.

Ryujin then took Chaeryeong back to her house so they can talk about her plan for the upcoming date.

The girls have eaten dinner and are now hanging out in Ryujin's room. Winter and Yuna joined because Ryujin needs their help for the date.

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