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"Hwang Yeji, will you give me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

Ryujin waited for Yeji's answer. It felt like an eternity. She starts to wonder maybe she shouldn't have asked Yeji to become her girlfriend yet. Did she ask it wrong? Would this be awkward for them now. Will they remain friends? Would she be okay with them just being friends? All these different thoughts crossed her mind.

But in reality, it only took a few seconds for Yeji to answer yes.

A sudden realization hit Ryujin that knocked her off balance and she fell on her butt. Yeji said yes. Yeji is now her girlfriend. She's in a relationship. Better yet, she's in a relationship with an actual person.

The short girl stood up then threw herself at Yeji to give the latter the biggest bear hug possible.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Ryujin cheered.

Yeji laughed.

"She said yes everyone!" Ryujin screamed into the air.

Out of no where, Ryujin's helpers came congratulating them.

"Unnie you did it!" Yuna said to her sister.

"Wow the ugly monkey actually got a girlfriend" Chaeryeong teased.

"You lucky woman" Winter simply said.

"Hey I'm here too" Yeji spoke.

"We know unnie" Yuna chuckled.

"Yea. We're not surprised someone would want you. You're great but we're shocked you said yes to that" Chaeryeong pointed at Ryujin who at that moment was shaking her butt celebrating.

Ryujin went back to Yeji, "Yeji, you made me the happiest girl in the world! Yess!!!"

"Yah! You're acting like she said yes to marrying you!" Chaeryeong smacked Ryujin on her back.

"Leave me be! demon fox!" Ryujin yelled forming an 'X' with her arms.

Chaeryeong then tackled Ryujin and started tickling her. Ryujin was squirming and trying to shake her bestfriend off her.

"Hate to disturb whatever it is that's happening here but we should leave the two lovers alone" Winter interrupted.

Yuna and Chaeryeong agreed so they left.

Ryujin was smiling at her now girlfriend as she approached her again.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Yeji asked pretending not to know the reason.

"If I tell you that I was blessed with an amazing person, would you believe me? If I tell you that out of all the people in this world, she chose me, would I sound crazy? If I tell you my heart is beating abnormally  fast at this moment, would you think I'm sick? If I tell you that I want to kiss you, would you let me?" Ryujin said.

She's now standing in front of Yeji looking up into her beautiful eyes.

Yeji looked back into Ryujin's eyes with the same intensity. They moved closer to each other. Their faces are now only inches apart.

"If I said yes to the last question, would you do it?" Yeji whispered.

With those words, Ryujin pulled Yeji close to her. Their lips met and it was like fireworks exploding through their bodes. The short girl wrapped her arms around the tall girl's waist. Yeji grabbed Ryujin's nape to deepen her kiss.

Ryujin was the first to pull away. She didn't want to get carried away because she wanted to remember their first kiss together as something sweet and full of love. Not desire or lust.

Ryujin took Yeji's hands.

"I love you Hwang Yeji. I know it's fast and I understand if you're not there yet but I think I've loved you since the moment I laid my eyes on you. I knew I wanted to be with you. It may sound crazy but it's truly how I felt" Ryujin said.

"I love you too Shin Ryujin. It may not have been love at first sight for me but I'd be damned not to fall for you. You've made me feel all sorts of emotions I didn't know existed" Yeji said smiling.

Ryujin suddenly pulls out her phone and played slow music. "May I have this dance?"

Yeji nodded and quickly gave Ryujin a kiss on the lips which completely startled her.

"I think I can get used to that" Ryujin smirked then started leading their slow dance.

They danced until it was late at night. Feeling nothing but love and happiness towards each other. Ryujin feeling like she's in a dream.

The dreaded moment of the day has finally come, the date has to end and she has to take Yeji home.

Yeji was about to start cleaning up but Ryujin stopped her, "Don't worry about that. I bribed Yuna pizza to help me tomorrow. Chaeryeong too because she has no choice."

"Count Lia and I too. And this time I'm not taking no for an answer" Yeji said in a serious tone.

"Yes ma'am. Can't let my girlfriend be mad at me on our first day" Ryujin winked.

Ryujin drove Yeji home. This time she was able to hold Yeji's hand the whole time she was driving. Their fingers were intertwined and Ryujin would constantly kiss the back of her girlfriend's hand.

They listened to music and sang along with the windows down. Not caring if they'll wake up anyone in the neighborhood. Both girls were feeling high. High on love.

They've arrived at the Hwang's residence. Yeji noticed that the lights were still on. She would have thought everyone was asleep already considering it's late in the night.

Yeji got out before Ryujin could open the door for her. The shorter girl pouted and crossed her arms. Yeji chuckled and pinched her cheeks.

They walked to the front door and they were met by Mr. Hwang not looking happy.

"Do you girls know what time it is?" He scolded.

"I'm sorry sir. It was my fault. I didn't want my time with Yeji to end. Please don't scold her and scold me instead" Ryujin pleaded.

The father and daughter duo were taken aback by Ryujin's apology. They didn't expect her to take the blame.

Mr. Hwang was pleased at the same time though. He was glad Ryujin would do anything for his daughter. This made him felt at ease. He was never a fan of Yeji's past girlfriends. They took advantage of her a lot.

Mr. Hwang noticed Ryujin was tensed and nervous. Ryujin thought Yeji's parents would disapprove of her now and might make them break up.

"Hey kiddo, I'm not really mad. I was joking earlier. You're not in trouble. My wife and I and Lia were just waiting for you to hear what happened and if there's anything you need to tell us. But Lia fell asleep" Mr. Hwang laughed.

Ryujin was able to relax and chuckled lightly.

"Dad. It's late we should let Ryujin go home and I'll tell you everything" Yeji said.

Yeji then turned to Ryujin and said goodbye. Yeji tried to kiss Ryujin on the lips but the latter turned her head away and quickly kissed Yeji on the cheek instead.

Yeji pouted.

"Babe, your dad is right there."

"Thank you Ryujin. I appreciate you not scarring me for life" Mr. Hwang joked.

The two laughed at what he said.

Ryujin finally left after multiple attempts. She was always stopped by Mr. Hwang asking questions until Yeji finally shut him up.

Ryujin showered and got ready for bed. She laid there for a while with her hand on her chest still trying to convince herself that Yeji is now her girlfriend.

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