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The next morning, Ryujin was greeted by Yeji and Lia as soon as she arrived at school. Chaeryeong stood beside Ryujin making sure she's really okay. She doesn't want her friend to let insecurity take over her mind.

"I'm really sorry for what Minju did Ryujin. I broke up with her. I don't tolerate people like that. I shouldn't have ignored her attitude when she called you a loser right from the beginning" Yeji said sounding guilty.

Ryujin looked at her, "Are you okay? You didn't have to break up with her. Is your heart okay? Do you need ice cream? Sad movies? Sorry I'm not used to breakups since Chaeryeong and I are single since birth so I'm not sure what helps."

"Yah! You didn't have to expose me like that butthead!" Chaeryeong hit Ryujin.

Ryujin just chuckled.

"I'm fine Ryujin. Thank you. You're too sweet. I guess it was long overdue. When I lashed out at you calling you a player and such. I guess I was taking out my anger on you. Minju was the one playing with girls and I let her play me" Yeji gave Ryujin a warm smile.

"Uhhh so since you're single now and I've been single. You know... since birth. Can I court you? I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend right now. I just wanna know if I can court you.." Ryujin said fast feeling shy.

"Wow speed buddy" Chaeryeong laughed.

"Shut up Ryeong!" Ryujin said.

"You have some guts to ask that in front of us Ryu. Not even worried you might get rejected in front of your friends" Lia added.

Ryujin realizing what she did, she hid her face in her hands getting ready to walk away.

"Yes you can court me."

Hearing those words made Ryujin drop her things. She collapsed on her knees. She looked up to the sky, "Oh heavenly God, I thank you for letting this beautiful angel enter my life!"

She stood up and wiped away her fake tears. She approached Yeji and she got down on one knee. She took Yeji's right hand and looked up to see her beautiful eyes.

"I, Ryujin, thank you for allowing me to court you" Ryujin excitedly said then kissed the back of Yeji's hand.

All this time people around them are staring and laughing at Ryujin's silly antics. Yeji grabbed Ryujin's arm to make her get up, "You're so silly. Don't need to be dramatic."

"Get used to it Yeji. If there's one word to describe Ryu, that will be dramatic" Chaeryeong laughed.

"Wow, Yeji how did you get so lucky?" Lia asked her friend. "Shut up" Yeji quickly replied.

Ryujin was pouting, "I'm not that dramatic."

The four went their separate for their classes and decided to meet up during lunch.

Ryujin's class was let out early so she decided to get flowers for Yeji to kick off her courting towards the girl.

Ryujin drove to the nearest flower shop and picked a beautiful bouquet for Yeji.

It was time for lunch. Yeji, Lia and Chaeryeong are already sitted. All three are wondering where Ryujin is. Chaeryeong has called and texted but the short girl didn't answer.

While waiting for Ryujin, Chaeryeong got to know the two some more. She then saw Ryujin walking towards them. The other two didn't notice.

Yeji felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked to see who it was and saw Ryujin standing there with flowers in her hand, she couldn't help but cry.

Ryujin panicking she did something wrong put the flower on the table and sat down next to Yeji, "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did I screw up already?" She asked the crying girl.

"No. No. It's not that. It's just no one has ever given me flowers before. It feels nice to be given something so beautiful." Yeji took the flowers and smelled it.

"Okay. Good. I was worried there for a second but what do you mean no one has given you flowers? Minju never gave you flowers?" Ryujin asked confused because she thought giving flowers is normal between couples.

"No. She didn't really court me. I liked her so when she said she liked me, we just became girlfriends. I've had a couple of girlfriends but I guess I've never been courted by anyone" Yeji answered.

Ryujin was in deep thought. How can someone like her never experience such things.

While Ryujin was thinking, Yeji took this chance to look at Ryujin's face. She saw how cute Ryujin is when she's thinking of something.

She touched Ryujin's cheek, "Thank you for the flowers. I love them."

"You're welcome" Ryujin replied happily.

"So would you let me take you out this weekend?" Ryujin suddenly asked.

Yeji nodded and smiled at her, "Yes."

Ryujin couldn't contain her excitement. She grabbed her bestfriend and Lia. She made them jump in circles with her.

"Ryujin, you're embarrassing us" Lia whispered but Ryujin didn't care. She was just too happy. Chaeryeong was also embarrassed so she took her arm off Ryujin's grip and smack her on the head.

"Yah! I get it you're a happy monkey but no need to embarrass us."

Yeji sat there watching the three with the biggest smile on her face. She couldn't believe someone could value her so much.

Lunch was over and they met up again after school. They waved goodbye to each other and went home.

Ryujin walked in her home, "I'm home! Did anyone miss me?"

Her mom was in the kitchen cooking, "You're in a good mood?"

"Yes I am! The angel in disguise finally let me court her. Mom! I can't believe she's letting me court her! I must have died and went to heaven" I happily expressed.

My mom then threw a wooden spoon at me, "How many times do I have to tell you to stop saying you died even if you don't mean it or it's a joke! Never talk about dying!"

"Okay okay mom. I'm sorry. I'm just so happy."

"Even so, you know mom doesn't like that. Also your heaven is just you courting your crush? Not even you two being girlfriends? Are you dumb or are you dumb?" My sister suddenly joined our conversation.

"Yes I'm happy with just courting her. Seeing her face and seeing her smile. Gosh I must be in love. Is this what they mean by love at first sight?" I went to my sister and hugged her tight to express how happy I am.

"Yuna if you ever need dating tips, you know who to go to" I looked at her and smirked.

"Yeah, not you because I'll look dumb like you" she fired back.

I pouted and she gave me a hug, "I'm kidding sis. Of course I'll go to you."

"Oh and mom is it okay if I borrow the truck this weekend? I'm taking my angel on a date" Ryujin asked her mother.

"Of course honey, just don't crash it. Your dad won't be happy" My mom said in a serious tone.

"Mom for the last time I didn't crash it before! A deer hit me! I didn't hit the deer!" Ryujin reasoned out.

Ryujin went to bed that night feeling the happiest she's ever been.

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