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Hwang Freaking Yeji. Why did she have to show up in my life again!? I thought I won't be affected if she shows up in my life again but seeing her smile again, my heart betrayed me.

I was packing up my stuff when Lia came to talk to me.

"You brought her here, didn't you?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm sorry but even if I didn't she still would have come. She would have bought a ticket to attend this" Lia answered.

Yeji suddenly joined us, "Can we talk Ryu?"

I was about to answer then I felt arms wrap around my arm, "Hey babe. You did amazing as always" she said then kissed me on the cheek.

Yeji looked at me with sad eyes and turned around getting ready to walk away. I stopped her by grabbing her hand with my free arm.

I looked at the girl who kissed me, "I'm sorry, do we know each other?"

She laughed, "No. I thought maybe you didn't want Yeji to bother you so if she thought you had a girlfriend she'd leave you alone but seeing you stopped her from leaving leads me to think that maybe your story is not over yet."

"Umm I'm not sure what to say to that?" I said confused.

"Don't worry about it" she said then kissed me again before leaving.

"I see your popular with the ladies now" Yeji spoke.

"I've always been popular with the ladies" I winked at her.

"Can we talk? I mean like can I treat you to dinner and talk?" She asked and I can sense nervousness in her voice.

"Sure? Let me finish packing up then we can go."

When I finished gathering my things, we went to the restaurant across the street to have dinner.

We're seated at a table facing each other and I have to admit. I miss that face. I miss her presence.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"About us. How we ended" she said with her head down.

"What do you mean? There haven't been an us in a very long time. There's nothing to talk about" I said.

"I wanted to explain myself to you. I don't want you to hate me."

"Yeji, I could never hate you. Not once did I hate you after our break up. You don't need to explain yourself to me. As long as you're happy, I'm good. Okay? Now if that's all, I should leave" I said because I want to get out of there. My heart was hurting too much.

I stood up getting ready to leave.

"I still love you Ryujin. I never stopped. It was stupid of me to break up with you. I've hated myself every day ever since" she said now crying.

I stood there frozen staring down at her.

"Then why did you break up with me? Why did you say those hurtful words? Why did you break my heart?" I asked confused.

"While I was away, I started suffering from depression. I started seeing myself in a negative light. Every day my brain kept telling me I don't deserve you. So I started pushing you away. Then it just kept getting worse. I tried to get you to break up with me because I wanted you to move on and not be stuck with someone like me. But being the sweetheart that you are didn't do that. Instead you kept caring and doing things to show your love for me which made things worse. I ended up hating myself more. Then you said you would move to another country just to be with me. I couldn't let you do that. I couldn't let you give up the life you have just because of me. I was so torn. My head was telling me I'm not good enough for you then my heart telling me to not let you go. As you can tell, my head clearly won."

I didn't say anything not because I didn't want to but because I couldn't. She suffered so much all by herself.

"I regretted breaking up with you the moment I hung up the phone but I told myself that it's for the best so I never called you back" she continued to say.

"Why are you telling me this now? Aren't you married? You didn't have to explain yourself to me" I said kinda annoyed.

She tilted her head at me, "Me? Married? No. What are you talking about?"

"A while back I stalked your Instagram and saw a picture of you wearing a wedding dress" I said embarrassed over the fact I stalked her social media.

"I didn't get married. That was a photoshoot. I was helping a friend. How can i get married when people over there thought I was engaged."

It was my turn to look at her confused then she showed me her left hand. She's wearing the ring I gave her.

"I never wanted anyone else but you Ryujin."

"Then why did it take you so long for you to show your face to me again?" I asked.

"Because I was ashamed to face you. The only reason I'm here in front of you right now is because Lia forced me to."

"She forced you? So you don't want to be here right now?"

Yeji panicked, "That's not what I meant. I meant she gave me the push I needed to face you."

I laughed. Yeji still looks so cute even after all this time.

"What do you want from me?" I asked in a serious tone.

"I want you to give me another chance. And this time I will do anything to earn you back. Earn your love. Earn your trust. Earn your everything" she pleaded.

"How are you? Like with your depression?" I asked which clearly surprised her.

"I'm better. I talk to a therapist every week."

"Are you sure this is what you want? Us? I'm okay with us being friends again. You know I will always be by your side and support you."

"I'm sure. I never stopped loving you Ryujin. You've always been the one for me but I was just too stupid and let you go. I'm sorry for hurting you."

I went to her and hugged her, "Hey you're suffering from a mental illness. You were not stupid. You didn't have the help you needed at the time and was suffering by yourself. Don't apologize for something you couldn't control okay?"

She hugged me back and cried some more.

"So can you please give me another chance to love you?"

"Its gonna take some time for me to fully trust you again. We can take things slow and figure things out from there. Just talk to me. I will always try to understand you. And I know I said in the past I said that we're not objects that can be claimed but I want you to know, Hwang Yeji, that I've always been yours from the beginning."


And that's it. If you've made it this far, I just wanna say thank you so much for reading my story. This will be my first ever completed book. Again not a writer nor do I consider myself a writer. Thank you again!

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