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"Uhm Ryujin, why are you taking me in the woods? You're not gonna kill me are you?" Yeji asked kind of scared.

Ryujin chuckled, "Yeji, why would I kill you? If ever you leave this world, I will follow you."

"Why are you always so extra?" Yeji said laughing.

"Because I was born extra?" Ryujin answered.

They finally arrived to their date spot and Yeji's jaw dropped. She felt tears leaving her eyes again. She couldn't believe someone would do this for her. Everything looks perfect. It never crossed her mind what her perfect date would look like but seeing this date Ryujin put together made her realize that this is her perfect date.

Her thoughts were disrupted when Ryujin suddenly spoke, "I hope you like it. I tried to arrange everything in a rush. If you don't like it, we can do or go somewhere else. We don't have to stay here."

Yeji still hadn't said anything. Still trying to process everything. Still shocked that someone is treating her this way. Making her feel special. Especially since she hadn't known Ryujin that long. She doesn't know what Ryujin sees in her.

Little did she know that Ryujin just felt drawn to her. Her heart yearned for Yeji the moment she saw her. Ryujin can't explain it either why she's putting so much effort on someone she just met. She just knows it's what she needs to do and what she wants to do. She wants to make Yeji happy. She wants her to feel her heart. Call it crazy or over the top. Ryujin calls it love. Love at first to be exact.

With Yeji still not saying a single word, Ryujin spoke again, "I'm sorry I keep making you cry. I'm new to this. I never thought I would be the type to set up dates or want to take someone out on a date. I wasn't really interested in courting anyone. But after meeting you, all those thoughts seems barbaric."

Ryujin grabbed Yeji's shoulder to turn her so they're facing each other, "I don't want to scare you off but I have to say this before I explode. I have feelings for you Yeji. Strong feelings. I know it's crazy since we just met and I'm not rushing to get into a relationship with you. I will court you forever if that's what you want. I'm not sure what kind of feelings this is. I may already love you. Who knows. This feeling is new for me. All I know is I want you by my side. I want to take care of you. I want to protect you. I already want to do everything for you. You don't know how grateful I am that you're allowing me to court you even if the end you say no to me. I would be grateful and honored that you let me by your side."

Ryujin took a deep breath and smiled, "I hope I didn't scare you off."

Yeji was staring at Ryujin still speechless. Ryujin was about to walk away until she felt hands grab her and the next thing she knew arms are wrapped around her with Yeji's head on her shoulder.

Ryujin can't explain the immense feelings she's experiencing at this moment. One thing for sure, she wants to feel this everyday. She wondered what would it be like hugging Yeji if being hugged by her feels like this.

Yeji after a century finally said something, "I love this Ryujin. Thank you so much. I didnt know what to expect when I said yes to being courted by you but still this is so unexpectedly beautiful. You're beautiful. But....you don't do this for every girl you like right?"

Ryujin frowned, "Why would you ask that? Or course not. You're the first girl I've ever courted. I've had crushes in the past, yes but thats the farthest it's gotten. I never wanted to approach them. I don't even know how I got the courage to approach you."

Yeji chuckled, "I'm sorry. I may have trust issues but I will try my best to trust you okay?"

Ryujin nodded with the biggest smile on her face.

She pulled Yeji towards the truck, "Come on, let's get on the truck. It's more comfortable than standing. Do you want to watch a movie? I also have snacks? I'm not sure yet what kind of snacks you like so there's options. We have chips, cookies, cakes  candi-"

Yeji covered Ryujin's mouth to get her to stop talking, "Ryujin, calm down."

"Sorry. I'm just really excited to be here with you right now" Ryujin sheepishly said.

"Oh before I forget I got you something."

Ryujin jumped off the bed of the truck and opened the passenger door to grab Yeji's gifts.

She got back on the truck bed and handed Yeji her gifts.

"You like giving flowers huh?"

"Again never gave anyone flowers. You would be the first. I see people in movies do this so I thought it seems right." Ryujin scratched her nape.

"I love it thank you but what's this?" Yeji questioning the stuff animal that was given to her.

"That's my favorite stuffy. Chessur, you know the cheshire cat from Alice in the Wonderland? I'm sorry i didn't get you a new stuff animal but I want to give you my Chessur because he helps me when I'm sad or can't sleep or angry or just anything. It's impossible for me to always be next to you when you're going through something so I'm giving you Chessur so he can always be next to you. And know that when he's there, it means I'm there too."

"Besides we both have whiskers, see?" Ryujin pointed at her whisker dimples.

Yeji laughed. "You're really cute. This date is perfect. Thank you again."

"Anytime, I don't wanna be punished by God just because I didn't treat one of his angels right" Ryujin tried flirting.

Yeji lightly slap her shoulder, shaking her head and smiling.

The lovebirds watched a movie, ate snacks, laughed, talked and held hands. They enjoyed each other's company throughout the night. When it was time to take Yeji home, Ryujin was starting get sad and pout a lot and throw fake tantrums which Yeji found really cute.

Yeji helped Ryujin pack up even though Ryujin insisted that she should just sit and relax.

Once they finished, Ryujin drove Yeji home. She opened the door for Yeji to get out and walked her to the front door.

Ryujin took Yeji's hand that's not holding the flowers and Chessur and looked into her eyes, "I hope you enjoyed tonight. It's sad it had to end. I had a really great time."

Yeji nodded, "I had so much fun. Thank you. And thank you for the gifts. You don't have to go this big every date by the way. Simple dinner date or movie date would be okay."

Ryujin tried to hide her smile but failed. "Why are you smiling so big?" Yeji asked.

"Because you just implied that there's gonna be more dates after this. How can I not smile?" Ryujin said.

Ryujin let go of Yeji's hand and gave herself a fist bump.

"Did you really just give yourself a fist bump?" Yeji chuckled.

"Yea? Don't you? Gotta say atta girl to yourself once in a while" Ryujin said like her action was normal.

"You better go in though it's getting late. I'll see you at school" Ryujin added.

Yeji bid her goodbye and walked in the house.

Once she closed the door, Ryujin jumped from joy. She was feeling extremely happy.

She drove home smiling the whole time. She entered her sister's room because she knows Yuna wants to hear what happened. To her surprise, Chaeryeong was also there waiting for her.

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