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Yeji invited Lia to join her for dinner at her house. Lia usually spends a lot of time at Yeji's place. She thinks it's because she might have a crush on her brother.

"So..." Lia paused, "When are you going to make it official between you and Ryujin?"

"Isn't she supposed to be the one to initiate that since she's the one courting me?" Yeji chuckled.

"Ryujin seems so old school though, it might take her some time to ask that. Nothing wrong with you the one asking" Lia said.

"I'm okay with that. I'm enjoying what we have now. Although I want to do something for her. She's done so much for me already. I want to return the favor."

Lia started tapping her lips with her index finger while thinking, "Hmmm. That's a good idea. Clearly nothing sexy because she might have a panic attack."

Yeji laughed at what Lia said because it's true.

"Oh! I got an idea!" Lia suddenly snapped, "We can buy a plain colored shirt then you can draw it or write on it. I'm sure she'll love it because you made it."

"Lia! You know I can't draw well!" Yeji tried to end the idea.

But Lia won't give up, "It doesn't have to be good. It just has to come from the heart."

Lia stood up and pulled Yeji up, "Let's go to the store to get a shirt so you can get started!"

Lia is very excited about this idea while Yeji not so much. She thought what if Ryujin doesn't like it because it looks bad but she has no choice. Her bestfriend won't give up on this.

They got to the store to look for the right shirt. They chose a green shirt because that's Ryujin's favorite color.

On their way home Lia asked, "Have you thought of you what you're gonna draw?"

"Nope. Maybe cats? She likes cats" Yeji hesitantly said.

When they go to Yeji's house, they had dinner and Yeji started working on the shirt while Lia just watched and laughed.

"Yeji! Why does the cat look like a milk carton with ears?!" Lia laughed while wiping tears that won't stop coming out.

"Yah! I told you I can't draw!" Yeji pouted.

"Okay okay but what is this?" Lia pointed at an unknown shape.

"It's mocha bread because she likes mocha bread."

"Oh em gee... I literally thought it was poop. Oh my gosh. I can't. This is too funny." Lia laughed some more.

"I'm not giving this to Ryujin! It will be embarrassing!" Yeji frustratedly said.

"No no no. You're giving this to her. I'm sure she's gonna love it because it's from you" Lia finally stopped laughing.

"I hate you but I also love you" Yeji teased.

"Like you could ever hate my ass. Your life would be so boring without me" Lia smirked.

"Just make sure I sing in your wedding or else this friendship is over" Lia said.

"Why are you talking about weddings. I'm still single and we don't know if that card will happen between Ryujin and I" Yeji trying to be realistic.

Yeji has imagined marrying Ryujin before for a brief moment. She thought married life with Ryujin would never be boring but she quickly shut down the idea. She didn't want to get her hopes up and be disappointed later.

Yeji sighed so Lia became serious, "What's wrong?"

"My fear of being hurt by her keeps coming back. I feel like if what I have with her doesn't work, it will hurt more than any of my past relationship" Yeji said with her voice cracking.

"I'm sorry I brought up wedding jokes. Try not to focus on the future and focus on the present. Enjoy every moment with Ryujin. Like what they said it's better to love than not love at all" Lia calmly said.

"Is that the actual quote?" Yeji chuckled.

Lia shrugged, "I don't know but you get the idea of it."

While the girls were having their moment, Lia's phone started ringing.

Lia saw the caller ID and was surprised. She answered her phone, "Hello? Ryujin? Why are you calling me?"

Yeji looked at Lia curiously wondering why Ryujin would be calling her during the night. Lia put the phone on speaker but didn't tell Ryujin that she did or that Yeji is right next to her.

You can hear some background noise hinting Ryujin might be listening to music, "Oh Yeji told me that you were gonna spend the night there. I've been trying to text her and call her but she's not answering so I'm assuming she's asleep."

"Oh yea. She fell asleep. We were talking the whole night so she probably didn't see her phone" Lia lied because she's curious what else Ryujin would say

"That's fine. I just wanted to wish her good night. Since she's asleep, can you put me on speaker and put the phone close to Yeji so I can wish her good night even if she can't hear me" Ryujin asked.

"Yea I can do that." Lia pretended to put her on speaker.

"You're all set."

"Thanks Lia. You're the best" Ryujin paused and took a deep breath.

"Hi Yeji. I miss you. I know that's crazy since we saw each other today. Well I just wanted to say good night and I hope you have a sweet dream. It'd be better if it's about me" Ryujin paused to laugh at herself, "anywho, I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" Ryujin finished.

She bid her goodbye to Lia then hung up.

Lia looked at Yeji to see her blushing and smiling so big.

"I have a feeling you will definitely have sweet dreams tonight. Maybe even a wet dream?" Lia joked.

Yeji's mouth hung open. She couldn't believe what her bestfriend just said, "When did you become so bad Lia?!"

"Ehh. Ryujin might be a bit conservative but her bestfriend and Yuna definitely isn't" Lia laughed.

"Whatever. Let's go to sleep. We have school and I need sleep" Yeji yawned.

The two girls went to sleep. Well Lia fell asleep right away but Yeji took some time before her eyes closed. She kept thinking about Ryujin.

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