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Yesterday this part was deleted. And today I posting it again. With little changes.
I was so lost in my feelings and in the things I want.

I need to turn off all emotions and all feelings.

And just enjoy pleasures that maknea line can give me.

Time was flying incredibly fast on the tour. One concert was changing another. One country was changing the other.

This journey is unforgettable and the best in my life.

A few more months passed by. I turned all my feelings off and just enjoyed my life. Having little tours around different cities and spending time with BTS.

Every day I am trying to change my thinking about a triple relationship. I am not letting any emotions and feelings get involved. Just having a good time while spending alone time with them by eating, drinking, watching movies. And having just body pleasure from having sex with them. I am refusing to sleep at night with them. I don't want that warm feeling appearing inside me. So after sex, they always leave my room. It was my main new rule.

Everything looked fine. I was mentally better again.


I was like always watching their concert from backstage. At the same time, I am enjoying the performance and worrying about them. They always overwork themselves.

On the last song, they were giving all of them. When I noticed that Taehyung twisted his leg and the other second he fell to the ground. He screamed from the pain. The concert was stopped immediately. He was taken to the hospital. The boys offered for me to go to the hospital with them.

I was so worried. Even though I am denying all my feelings to him, I care about this man even more than about myself.

I was standing in a waiting room. I even couldn't sit. I was feeling awful. It felt that I will throw up any second. I never saw him in that kind of pain.

Doctor came.

"Taehyung is okay. He will be in a pain for a while. But nothing too serious happened to him. He will need to inject medication for a few weeks. And in a few days, if he will be comfortable enough, he can start dancing again."

With Taehyung we came back to the hotel. All I wanted was to hug him. And never let him go.

But because I couldn't show in front of others that I care more than it would be normal. I just gave him a quick hug. My heart was beating crazy, my eyes were teary.

Before letting him go I whispered:

"I was so worried. Never scare me like that again."

And I went to my room.

I was laying in my bed after a quick shower.

All I was able to think about was Taehyung.

When suddenly my phone buzzed.

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