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"Y/n... I can explain... Let me explain..." He was looking into my eyes desperately.

"No, Taehyung. There is no excuse that would justify you after what you did after the wedding. So please, leave me alone." I turned from him and sat in my car. Before driving away I looked into Taehyung one last time. He was looking into me with a sad face. But I just brushed the tears away and pressed the accelerator.

"Dad... Taehyung came to my apartment today. He wanted to talk with me. But I didn't let him." I mumbled this to my father after lunch. We were sitting in the living room on two armchairs near the fireplace.

"Darling." My father sighed. "How much longer you will pretend? How much longer you will play with Harry and his love? He loves you and you love Taehyung. It's not fair to Harry. He is a good guy. And be honest with yourself. Will you ever love him? Or he is just a distraction?"

"I like him. He is a great boyfriend, every girl's dream. He makes me feel special, he makes me happy. But no, I don't love him... I just can't... I want to love him... But I can't..." My father opened his arms to me and I fell into his embrace.

"Oh, butterfly... It would be fair to split up with Harry. Thank him for the good time you had and try to stay friends. And then you have two options: give a chance to Taehyung, to explain himself and forget him or split up with him for good. Or you can even not listen to him and erase him from your life fully. But my advice would be, try to listen to him. Maybe he has serious reasons why he did that. Maybe he is just lost."

We spent some more time together and in the evening I decided to go back home.

I walked from the elevator. And to my surprise, Taehyung was sitting on my doormat.

"Taehyung?" I was surprised. "What are you doing here? Don't say that you were waiting for me all this time."

Taehyung slowly stood up. "Yes, I did.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Okay. You can come in." I unlocked the doors and we both got inside. "Sit on the sofa, I will be right back.

I changed quickly and came back to the living room. I sat next to him.

"Okay. I am listening. That's what you wanted." I looked into his eyes.

"Firstly, I want to say. Y/n I really love you. I never lied to you. I could never do that. I love you so much that it even hurts." He was very serious, looking deeply into my eyes.

I laughed. "You love me?" I laughed even more. "If you would love me, you wouldn't have left me back then. You would fucking fight for me, for our love! And now you come to my life a few times per year. This is not love." My voice was raised. I stood up from the sofa. "Just tell me why you left back then. I just want to know that."

"Everything was so confusing and mixed back then. I saw you after so many months. Members were saying to me that I should forget you. That it would be better for everyone. But I couldn't control myself and came after you. We made love. It was beyond magical. But then when you were sleeping some dark and depressed thoughts started to haunt me again. And I just left, like a coward. I know that I messed up. I am always messing up with you. But... But that doesn't mean that I don't love you, that I don't want to be with you. I want you in every possible way. No matter how much time will pass, no matter what others may say about us, no matter even that you are dating now. I will always love you Y/n. You are my one true love. I know that."

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