Chapter 3 The Chef that Never Smiles

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Soma is looking around the kitchen and sighs at how many people are glaring at him. He can't blame them, though, because of what he has said in the opening ceremony.

He turns to his partner, who is called Tadokoro Megumi, for some reason, Soma feels attracted to the girl in front of him. And he remembers what his father said, "The trick to being a good chef, is the right woman. A woman who will make you a better man. Better at cooking, better at everything."

As he turns back to Tadokoro Megumi, he is confused as to what she is doing, he asks, "Erm, you were Tadakoro-san, right? Why are you eating the kanji for "Person" as if you were to avenge your parents?"

Megumi stops what she is doing and looks at Soma, " I don't get nervous...or so I thought..."

"Why are you nervous?" Soma asks.

"Because...if I get another E, I'll be expelled..." Megumi frowns.

"Well, we are in an Elite school, and it is no doubt that there are people like you." Soma sighs and the words are like an arrow hitting Megumi's heart.

"Uh...just when I was trying to survive peacefully and securely, of all people, I had to be paired with him..." Megumi frowns.

"But don't worry, I will make sure that we will overcome this together. I'm Yukihira Soma! You can call me Soma, nice to meet you." Soma shakes hands with her, and she can only nod.

And after a while, the teacher of the French class, Roland Chapelle, arrives and he says, "Good morning, young apprentices. You're responsible to make delicacies from the moment you stand in the kitchen, for that, neither your experience nor position matter. In my classes, any dishes that can't take an "A" will get an "E". Make sure to remember that."

Megumi is now paled as she curses at her bad luck. "I'm so have Roland Chapelle sensei for my first class..."

Soma waves his hand towards Chapelle sensei and says, "Chapelle sensei, nice to see you again!"

Chapelle notices Soma and he nods at him, Megumi whispers to Soma and asks, "You know him? Soma-kun?"

"Of course, I studied under him for a month when my parents and I visit France." Soma says. "He may be strict, but he is nice on the inside."

Chapelle notices Soma and sighs, "So Yukihira is here in the class, maybe I should see how he has grown since the last meeting."

He then says to the class, "Today's menu is "Boeuf Bourguignon". A standard French dish, just in case, I'll write down the recipe on the whiteboard. The time limit is 2 hours! Submit your dishes as soon as you finish."

After hearing what Soma said, Megumi somehow feels a little relieved, Soma turns to Megumi and says, "Tadokoro, can you take care of the ingredients? I have some things that I need to ask the teacher."

"Sure." Megumi says as she starts working, she also notices that Soma is talking casually to Chapelle like he was just an old friend of him, much to her surprise.

"So I see you finally come to the school, Yukihira Soma." Chapelle says to Soma, who sighs, "Yeah, I mean, my Dad sent me here because of his relationship with the headmaster."

"I see. I admit you are one of the students that I'm having high hopes of, but that doesn't mean I will just give you an A even if you mess up."

"Of course not." Soma says with a laugh, and the other students are confused at how Soma is talking to Chapelle sensei like it is nothing.

But as Soma returns to the pot, Megumi is taking the plate, something that Soma forgot to do. Soma notices the pot lid and he asks, "Tadokoro, you left the lid open?"

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