Chapter 14 Breakfast

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When Soma walks back to the room, he is getting slapped by Yuki, who yells, "Yukihira! How can you be so reckless all the time! We were worried, you know! We heard you challenged some graduates to a Shokugeki! Not even the Phantom would be that reckless as well! We thought you two might both be forced to withdraw!"

Ryoko says, "Calm down, Yuki! There's no point in attacking Yukihira."

Megumi says, "Yeah, that's right! If Soma-kun wasn't there, I definitely would have dropped out."

"That may be true, but..." Yuki says as she cries into Ryoko's arms. Ryoko says, "But anyway, we're really glad that you're both okay."

"Yukihra..." Ibusaki suddenly calls him as he notices the hand, "What happened to your right hand?"

"It's nothing." Soma sighs. "Don't mention it."

"By the way, is that true that the Phantom was there as well?" Yuki asks Soma and Megumi, "Did you two manage to see them?"

Megumi and Soma look at each other, and Megumi says, "Well, we have met him..."

Soma says, "But he was there watching us, nothing else."

"Knowing Yukihira, he would have challenged the Phantom into a Shokugeki without a doubt." Yuki sighs.

As they are chatting, Soma and Megumi are sitting by the side and she asks, "Soma-kun, why didn't you want to tell them that you are the Phantom? Why are you hiding your identity?"

Soma sighs and says, "It is related to my Mother, and I wanted to fulfill her wishes to keep this identity a secret."

"I see..." Megumi says, "But why would she want you to do that? I mean, becoming a Phantom just to win every Shokugeki against the Elite 10?"

"The truth is, my mother was the first Phantom, I was the second one, and I'm doing this because I dislike people who think they're all high and mighty. And that ruined my parents' life in Totsuki..." Soma sighs. "Megumi, promise me that you'll keep this as a secret. I would really like it."

"Okay, Soma-kun..." Megumi nods.

After several days of training, the group of students is asked to go to the main banquet hall at 10 o'clock. When they get there, they are surprised to see everyone in the room are very tired.

"Everyone is obviously worn-out..." Ryoko sighs.

"Of course, they are...ugh, I want to hurry up and sleep." Yuki says.

"Anyway, why the heck are we here at this time or the night?" Soma mutters.

Just then, Takumi and Ikumi rush towards Soma and Ikumi yells, "Yuhikira! What the heck are you thinking? Have a Shokugeki with Alumni? Don't do anything stupid, you moron!"

Takumi yells, "I've heard about it! I can't believe how reckless you were! I won't forgive you if you leave the school before we can settle things between us!"

"Wait, did you guys know the Shokugeki?" Soma asks in confusion.

"Since this morning, the rumor has spread everywhere." Takumi says after calming down.

"But, Yukihira...if you're here, does that mean...there is no way Chef Shinomiya was..." Ikumi gasps.

"No, I lost. Just don't think about it anymore." Soma sighs.

They also notice that Erina walks past them with an uninterested tone, and before he can say something, Dojima is already on the stage.

"OK, seems like everyone's gathered. Everyone, please give your attention to the stage." Everyone hears it and turns to Dojima, who is holding the microphone.

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