Chapter 30 First Week Stagiaire

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The day of the Stagiaire arrives, and according to what they have learned, they have to go to three stores or companies, and there will be 1 to 2 people in the same restaurant or company.

Soma is walking to the meeting spot, and he says, "So my first one is going to be with another student, but who will it be?"

Just then, he turns around and notices a pink-haired girl with him, and she is no other than Erina's secretary: Arato Hisako.

"Yukihira Soma?!" Hisako gasps with dismay.

"Oh, erm...It's Hiskoho." Soma says.

"Who's Hiskoko! Me name is Arato Hisako!" Hisako yells at the boy, who shrugs and says, "Anyway, let's do our best."

"Stop joking! I have no attention of cooperating with you. I'll show you I can clear this Stagiaire Assignment on my own!" Hisako yells.

"Is that so? Come to think of it, a while ago, Nakiri..." But just as Soma mentioned the name, Hisako just lowers her head. "What's wrong?"

"After suffering defeat in the first round, someone like me is unworthy of serving Erina-sama..." Hisako frowns.

As they continue to walk, Soma decides to raise the atmosphere and he says, "I wonder what kind of place we're being sent to."

"Don't speak to me!" Hisako yells, but Soma continues to talk, "It's a place Totsuki Academy told us to go, so it might be an incredibly extravagant restaurant."

"Are you even listening to me?" Hisako yells, but they arrive at a small family restaurant, and there are a lot of customers rushing out of it, and the owner of the restaurant seems to be apologizing to other customers who are very angry.

"Are you perhaps Totsuki's students?" The owner asks. "Well, I showed you a rather pathetic scene. Hello. I'm the third generation name is Mitamura."

"Nice to meet you! I'll be a stagiaire here for the next week. My name is Arato Hisako. I think I'm still far from being perfect, but I'm looking forward to working with you."

"I'm Yukihira Soma. I'll be under your care." Soma adds.

But much to their surprise, Mitamura asks them to sign the autograph, as the two can't help but do it. After changing their uniforms, Soma says, "Arato, that apron looks good on you."

"What was that for?" Hisako yells.

"Come to think of it, this is our first time talking alone. You're always with Nakiri." Soma adds. "By the way, next time you meet Nakiri-"

"I can't go back to Erina-sama's side. Since I the first round of the Autumn Election, I'm not qualified to do so."

"Oh, right. You lost to Hayama. I saw the moment you lost from the waiting room." Soma says, "He is also a formidable opponent."

"Don't you laugh at me!" Hisako yells. "She is absolutely flawless. If a loser like me stays by her side...Erina-sama will lose her status."

"Even so, just because you lost once, doesn't mean that it is the end of the world." Soma says but turns out that Hisako is not listening to him.

"Alright, let's do our best. For the time being, I'll take the orders, so Arato, you-" Soma says.

"Don't order me around! Listen well! Don't get full yourself because you have some real experience! I've also taken classes where you have to cook in teams of many people, and I cleared all the assignments which required speed in the training camp! This Stagiaire period or anything else, I won't have any problems!" Arao demands.

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