Chapter 44 First 2 exams

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The first phase of the exam will be conducted in several different rooms in groups, and for each group, there are 5 people. Soma finds that he is partnered with Alice, Ryo, Megumi, and Yuki.

"To think both Soma-kun and Alice-san is..." Megumi frowns.

"Yeah, but that is how it should be, this should be an excellent chance to give uncle Azami a taste of his own medicine." Alice says. "Right? Yukihira-kun?"

"You're right about that." Soma says as he notices Erina in a different group. "But I was the one that asks Uncle Azami to be paired with you guys. I want to show him that those pathetic cheating won't defeat the five of us."

And the examiner tells them that the theme is Salmon, and each of the groups is given the best fish, but when it's Soma's group, they got Hocchare, the Salmon that already spawned and at death's door, and the worst quality.

"I see, so this is the first exam, huh..." Soma says as he looks at the salmon. "And not even my Angel's Eyes are going to help with this."

"If you have any complaints with the ingredients we have provided, you are more than welcome to go procure ingredients of your own." The examiner says, as she is confident that the season for Salmon is long over, and Totsuki has already brought all the fish.

"We'll make this salmon into some snacks after this is over." Soma says.

"Is that all we've got? Isn't there some way to make these taste amazing, like how you always do with cheap ingredients?" Yuki asks. "There should be some way of cooking that'll make even these salmon taste excellent!"

Ryo says, "These Hocchare have the least amount of fat of all salmon year-round. Even the curing process Yukihira used during the election won't work this time around. Doesn't matter whether you use rice bran or sake mold, the curing process takes a few days. And we only have until sunset."

Soma smiles and says, "If you think we are giving up right here right now, then you're wrong."

Everyone is surprised to see Soma's personality changed, and only Megumi and Erina know the truth. Soma says, "There's no need to resign ourselves to expulsion. We can just make the most delicious dish in this room."

As the five of them walk out of the room, the others are shocked to see that they really are going out to find the fish. After a while, they manage to get the fish back, and everyone is shocked to see it.

"Those salmon are top-of-the-line!" "The firmness of their flesh, the sparkle of their matter how you look at it, they're exquisite!"

"These are...Tokishirazu!" The judge is also surprised, as it is a fish that comes from Spring through Summer, and they are not fully mature Salmon, so they have a lot of nutrients in the meat.

"If you don't know, there is the Brine method." Alice says as she explains what it means.

Soma says, "It is a good thing that we have Dorabu-senpai sending us over here from the brine freezing companies."

"Yeah. I'm just glad as well..." Megumi adds.

The examiner knows that her plan failed, but she knows that it is only 30 minutes left, and they don't have time to prepare the meal.

"I never thought I'd be teaming up with you, Yukihira-kun." Alice says.

"You can say that again. Kurkibra, I'm gonna have to ask you to prepare these on the double." Soma says.

"Who do you think you're talking to!" Ryo is in the berserk mode again, "Don't order me around!"

Everyone in the room are shocked to see their speed in cooking, and the judge can't help but admire the thick layer of fat and tightness to the meat.

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