Chapter 51 Helpers for Training

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The next morning, everyone is standing in the kitchen as they are wondering who is going to teach them. Megumi says, "I wonder who is going to teach us..."

Soma says, "Perhaps it is someone we know after we come into the school?"

Just then, much to their surprise, they hear a voice, "Hey there, blockhead. Looks like you managed to not completely fail out of Totsuki."

They turn around and see that Shinomiya is there. Soma asks, "Master Shinomiya?"

"I told you, don't call me master..." Shinomiya mutters.

"Why is Chef Shinomiya here in Hokkaido?" Takumi asks.

"I invited him, looks like I took you all by surprise." Dojima says. "And Shinomiya here will be helping her."

Shinomiya looks at Megumi and says, "No hard feelings, eh?"

"Chef Shinomiya, the recipient of the Pluspol going to..." Takumi gasps.

"All this is for us? What about your own restaurant?" Soma asks.

"Don't get carried away, this is just a bit fancy." Shinomiya says.

"As long as I'm here, I will not let you say any mean words towards my sister." They turn around and also see that a boy is standing in front of them, Megumi panics more as she exclaims, "Brother?!"

"Hey, Megumi. I heard about what you did to rebel against the Central. Can't say I blame you." Yu says.

"Tadokoro Yu..." Megishima mutters as the said person turns to him. "Oh, Megishima, I see you are on this side as well. Though it is a shame to see Tsukasa and Rindo in the different side."

"You know Yu-senpai?" Soma asks, Megishima says, "I respect him a lot when I was just the first-grade freshmen."

Shinomiya says, "The first seat of the 88th generation, huh? Interesting."

Dojima says, "And both Shinomiya and Tadokoro Yu will be the ones to train Tadokoro Megumi."

Megumi panics a lot as the two first seats are training her, and Dojima Gin turns to Takumi, "As for you, Takumi, you are going to train with me, and I also have another person that will help you out."

Takumi is confused, but then he gasps to see that his mother is there. "Mother?" Takumi gasps in shock.

"I heard what happened to Isami." Takumi's mother says, "I care about him as much as you do."

She turns to Soma and says, "You must be Yukihira Soma, it is a pleasure to meet you. I heard a lot about you from Takumi."

"Eh..." Soma says.

"Well if it isn't Utsuku senpai?" Joichiro says, "It sure has been a while."

"Joichiro and Gin, huh..." Utsuku sighs. "It won't be a pleasure to me to see you two again."

"Wait, you know them, Mother?" Takumi asks.

"Utsuku Aldini, or formerly Utsuku Yoshida, is our senpai." Dojima says. "She was the first seat of the 68th generation. At that time we were just second years."

"That means my mother's seat is better than your pops." Takumi says to Soma, before he can retort, Utsuku sighs, "You're still the same, Takumi. Just because my seat is higher doesn't mean that you are better, though."

Qiu says, "As for me, I'll be teaching Kuga with Fujiwara, is that okay?"

Kuga says, "A Taiwanese Master and a Beverage Master...interesting."

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