Chapter 24 Beef Stew Problem

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The next morning, Soma hears the door knock and he finds a boy who seems to be from the Junior High Division, and he has a camera hanging around his neck, a long-range lens dangling from his side, and something that looks like a voice recorder.

"Yukihira-senpai! The real thing...Wow!" The boy says in awe.

But Soma isn't buying this as he pushes the boy down and grabs his arms, he asks, "Who are you? A spy?"

"No! You're mistaking!" The boy panics as Soma lets go. He asks, "So why are you here so early in the morning?"

"I'm Soutsuda Mitsuru! I am from the newspaper club! I'm in charge of delivering the morning newspaper today."

"Oh, so you're from the Newspaper club." Soma says with a sigh as he looks at the newspaper. "So you guys already know the Shokugeki, huh?"

"Yeah! Yukihira-senpai! Is it true that you know the true identity of the Phantom? The declaration has made senpai the talk of the whole academy!" Soutsuda says.

"But we have just decided yesterday, and you already know this in the morning newspaper..." Soma sighs.

"T.S' ability to get information is amazing!" Soutsuda says. "But it's an honor to think I would be able to talk to you in person. Yukihira-senpai! I have a special favor to ask of you. This next week, would you let me do a total coverage of you? When I first saw Yukihira-senpai in the election, I was deeply moved! Especially during the first round of the main tournament! you were against one of the favorites, Alice-senpai! Yet you were never intimidated and had a sweeping victory! The T.S has written that you will likely lose against Mimasaka-senpai, but I don't think so! All of my friends are also cheering for you. They say you're an amazing person for doing such a brave effort...while coming from a small shabby diner."

Soma sighs and says, "So that's what they think about me?"

"I came here of my own will. I'm only in a lower position since I'm in middle school, so they won't let me have any big articles. But, if I can successfully cover someone as important as Yukihira-senpai...I think I can become a first-rate newspaper reporter." Sotsuda says. "I don't even know if I'll get space for the article! But my feelings of wanting to go after Yukihira-senpai are real! I'll do my best on this coverage! So please, let me do it! Yukihira senpai!"

"I don't want to, just leave." Soma says with an uninterested tone as he leaves, but Sotsuda is so determined that he chases after Soma.

During the class, Megumi turns to Soma and asks, "Soma-kun, it's a lunch break, I was planning on going to the cafeteria, how about you?"

"I'm going to-" But he gets cuts off as Sotsuda comes with a lunch box. "Yukihira-senpai! I made lunch for you! If you don't mind...have some!"

"Sorry, I can't eat that. Sotsuda Mitsuru from the Newspaper club. I already have a girlfriend and I can't accept it." Soma says, causing everyone to be surprised.

"I told you that I won't accept any interviews." Soma says, but then the boy tells them about Soma's classes, and Megumi asks, "Isn't that stalking?"

"Come to think of it, I think I needed to buy some more herbs for the beef stew..." Soma says, and Sotsuda rushes off and yells, "I'll go buy some! I'll be back in a second! Please wait, Yukihira-senpai!"

"He's running incredibly fast..." Megumi says.

"He's interesting, like a dog or something. Well, I was looking for someone to try my dishes and give me objective opinions on them, so that's perfect."

"Sorry, Soma-kun. I wanted to help you, but I have classes in the afternoon..." Megumi frowns.

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize." Soma says to his girlfriend, and the other girls who are watching realize that Soma and Megumi are dating.

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