Chapter 29 First Seat of 88th Generation Part 2

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The atmosphere is changed as Yu asks Soma a question that shocks him. He asks, "Why do you think I am the Phantom? I'm pretty sure that I told you that the Phantom has been taking good care of me."

Yu says, "There are some questions regarding your statement. First, you said that you really know the Phantom's true identity but you haven't defeated him, that makes me wonder that reason might be because you are the Phantom himself. Second, the way you are cooking, I have observed a lot of the matches of Phantom. And the way you cooked is too similar to his. And finally, when I was still at school, I have found the lost document of the First Phantom, whose real name is Yukihira Tamako. The fact that you have the same name as her means that she is your mother, am I right?"

Soma frowns and says, "You got me, I am the Phantom. But I want you to keep the identity a secret. That's my Mom's dying wish."

Yu smiles, "Don't worry, I will like to help a friend of mine." Then he turns to a frown and says, "Though I am very sorry that I have made you remember the bad memories of your mother's death..."

"It's fine, my Dad and I are trying to move on." Soma sighs.

Megumi says, "Are you sure this is fine, Soma-kun? I mean, you just revealed your identity just like that..."

"It's fine, Tadokoro. I also know how well your brother's cooking is. He is also a good opponent that deserves the title of the first seat back then." Soma says.

"Then if that's fine with you, how about we do that again? Cooking showdown?" Yu asks Soma, who replies, "But you already know my full identity."

"That's true, but you realize that I have never beaten you when you're in your full strength. From that Nori Bento that I have eaten, that strength of yours is held back, and perhaps, you held back a lot during the Autumn Elections."

"Ehh?" Megumi gasps in shock, and she asks, "But why, Soma-kun?"

Soma sighs and says, "The elections are just for fun, and I just don't want anyone to know about my identity as the Phantom. Do you remember that time when the Phantom came after the battle of me and Mimasaka? I asked Isshiki to do that for me."

"What? That was Isshiki-senpai?" Megumi asks in surprise. "It makes sense now..."

Soma says, "If you want to have a small cooking showdown, I can give you one. The same theme?"

"Of course, and since Megumi is here, how about she becomes our judge?" Yu asks.

"Eh? Me? A judge to Brother and Soma-kun's dishes? But I..." Megumi gasps.

"That sounds very interesting." The three of them turn around and see that Isshiki is there, and Soma asks, "Isshiki-senpai? What are you doing here?"

"I have been here this whole time, and I also try to stand guard at anyone who tries to eavesdrop on your conversation. After all, I know you don't want to have your identity being revealed."

"Thanks...Isshiki..." Soma sweatdrops a little.

"If Tadokoro-chan doesn't want to be a judge, I can do it for her instead." Isshiki says. "And don't worry, I will make a fair judge."

"That's fine for me. I was also worried if Megumi becomes the judge, she would have to pass out a lot of times." Yu says.

"That's exaggerating!" Soma yells.

After they are back into the kitchen, Isshiki says, "So the theme is Breakfast, and the time limit is an hour. Now let the match begin."

As Soma and Yu are now trying to work on their dishes, Megumi is now looking in surprise as it is the first time she sees her brother doing a cooking showdown with Soma, she has seen her brother cook a lot times when she was little, but she has never him cooking like this. It makes her wonder how many things her brother has learned during her stay at school and traveling abroad.

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