Chapter 34 Challenge with Kuga

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"Autumn Leaf Viewing with the Elite 10?" Soma asks with surprise.

"Exactly. The current Totsuki Elite 10 members and all of you first years who made it to the main tournament of the election are invited." Isshiki adds. "However, the Phantom won't appear considering there are some specific reasons."

"I know what you mean, if I went there as the Phantom, the others will recognize me as the Phantom without a doubt." Soma sighs.

The ones who are at the Festival are the Top 8 from the Autumn Election, along with Erina sitting on the other side. Takumi yells, "Yukihira! What's with your hair? You let it grow in a really half-hearted way. That's slovenly! A cook must take care of his hair."

Soma says, "You're right. I'll cut it soon, but Takumi, you trimmed your hair quite a bit. You know, after I was a Stagiaire at Master Shinomiya's place, I was just really absorbed in cooking."

"Chef Shinomiya? It can't be, you were at Shino's Tokyo? You always overcome my expectations. To think you'd go to a restaurant owned by a former first seat." Takumi says.

"Eh? Ah, no, I just happened to train there, and somehow the Headmaster made my family diner into one of the Stagiaire places as well..." Soma says.

"What?" Takumi exclaims in shock, and it also gets interested in others. Alice asks, "Oh my, you got to work at your own restaurant? That sure is lucky for you."

"Well, it was not that easy..." Soma sighs. Megumi nods and says, "Indeed. Because it stresses us more because we didn't know what to improve there."

Soma notices Erina and says, "Come to think of it, Nakiri, you're seated on our side, huh?"

"The goal is to deepen the relationship between the first-year students and the upperclassmen, so I belong on this side. But..." Erina suddenly becomes angry and yells, "The Phantom is also the same age as us! Why didn't he come to this meeting as well!"

Hisako sighs, as she has promised Soma to keep this a secret. Soma turns to Hisako and says, "Arato, it's been a while since we last met, too. You look like you're doing fine."

"Yes, all thanks to you." Hisako smiles at Soma, causing Erina to be surprised at how Soma is now close friends with her.

Just then, the Totsuki Elite 10 are now arriving at the festival, and the 8th seat, Kuga, says, "Hey, hey, hey, you know! Why don't we end this here today? And let's abolish this meeting for the next year? It's a total bother and isn't it like, meaningless? Don't you all think so? Ah! You, the braids girl, hey, what do you think?"

Megumi panics as the 8th seat is talking to her, but the sixth seat Kinokuni Nene stops Kuga as she says, "It's a direct invitation from the director. We can't just not participate...forget about abolishing it."

"I'm not asking the braids girl from our side, you know!? Can you not get in the way? I'm chatting with the underclassmen." Kuga replies.

"You're really noisy." Nene sighs.

"Aren't you like a lot more mad than usual? Is it your period?" Kuga asks, only to be replied, "Die."

"That thoughtless bastard with the horrible voice is here again. We can get as much of a budget as we want from Totsuki thanks to that grandpa." Eizan says. "So let's go along with Senzaemon-dono's whim."

"Ahah, Eizan, you're always thinking about money, you're totally boring! Just hurry and get out of Totsuki, like today, right now. I'm counting, three, two, one..."

"Shut up, Midget." Eizan says, and the two of them are having a fight. Isshiki says, "You all look healthy today! Well then, why don't we have a toast?"

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