Chapter 4 Polar Star Party

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After taking a bath, Soma is now sitting at the new bed as he looks around, he mutters, "This place is not that bad after all, but it sure is too quiet."

Just then, the ceiling opens and a senior peeks out of it, causing Soma to panic. "Wooooh!"

"Hey there, transfer student! Come! We're having your welcome party!" The senior says.

Soma is a little confused, but he goes there anyway, and they arrive at a room as a boy named Marui Zenji says, "I told you, I'm busy studying for the written exams! If you're having a party, feel free to do it in another room! Why do you always do it in my room?"

The girl named Yoshino Yuuki says, "It can't be helped, Marui's room is the biggest of all, and it is always clean when we come."

As Marui is arguing, Megumi is still shivering at the fact that Soma saw her nude body and vice versa, she thinks, "Sorry Mom...I can't become a bride anymore..."

"Megumi, listen, I am very sorry about what happened today." Soma says, feeling guilty for the girl as he just wants to make a good impression for her.

"It's fine..." Megumi turns to Soma and asks, "Wait, Soma-kun, you passed the dorm entrance skill test on your first try?"

"Well yeah. I'm glad I somehow managed." Soma sighs.

"That's amazing, I don't think there aren't much people who passed on their first try." Megumi says.

"Ermm, so I guess...what about you?" Soma asks, and Megumi turns away with a frown as she remembers how she took 3 months to take the test.

"Hey, I called out for everyone in the dorm, you know? But there's not even half of them here." The senior named Isshiki says.

"Well, it can't be helped, right?" The boy named Daigo replies.

"Isshiki-senpai tells us to gather almost every day, so everyone's got tired of it." Shoji replies.

"They got tired? That can't be, right? I mean, Tadokoro-chan always participates."

Megumi frowns and says, "But if I don't participate, he'll come to wake me up a few minutes later."

The girl named Sakaki Ryoko says, "He'd eventually give up if you ignore him, Megumi. You sure are conscientious."

"Listen, everyone! Youngsters living under the same roof and eating food from the same stove. This is youth! This is being a student! I yearned for that, so I came to this dorm. Now let's enjoy bright dorm life!"

"That's fine and all, but just stop coming to call us using the loft." Shoji sighs.

"So, I'm a second year, Isshiki, call me "Isshiki-senpai"! Everyone else here is first-year like you. Welcome to the Polar Star Dorm, Yukihira-kun." Isshiki says.

"Now let's have a toast. All of you, grab a drink." Ryoko takes out a bottle and pours to Soma's cup, but as Soma takes the cup, he asks, "Is it fine to make this much noise? I mean, it is very late right now."

"Don't worry, the place is surrounded by the forest, no one will hear us." Ryoko says.

"But what about the dorm mother?" Soma asks, and then he hears her voice from one of the callers. "Hey, you people! I have Daikon broiled in Soy Sauce, have someone come for it."

As Daigo and Shoji leave, Yuuki says, "Remember to come back before Fumio-san starts bragging about the Elite 10."

Ryoko says, "Speaking of that, I remember that Fumio-san mentioned about a member of the former Elite 10 named Yukihira Tamako, is she related to you or something?"

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