Chapter 58 First Bout Part 3

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As Isshiki and Julio are competing, Soma says, "Seems like he pays a lot of attention to you, Isshiki-senpai."

Isshiki just nods as they notice that Julio has already begun to cook his eel dish. He is cutting it into chunks and smothered it in salt, pepper, onions, and garlic. Not only that, but he also adds white wine added in Rondo-style.

"The Shiratsu household...for generations, they've been in charge of the meals for the Italian consulate, and so their family is famous in both Japan and Italy. His predecessor was so outstanding and well-received, that he was even awarded a knighthood." Erina says.

"A cook in service for the consulate..." Marui adds.

"That sounds pretty amazing." Daigo nods.

"The theme is eel...and the opponent is Italian? This might prove to be a very challenging battle." Takumi says. "This might sound surprising to the Japanese, but eel dishes are actually a big thing in Europe. A good example is the "Eel Matelote" that Kurokiba Ryo brought out during the selection semi-finals."

Isami says, "In southern Italy especially, they have a custom of dining on eel during Natale, during Christmas. It's believed that the eel is the incarnation of the devil so eating it is a type of purification."

"So Shiratsu Julio most likely has a lot of confidence in his eel dishes!" Urara announces, "And the opponent Isshiki Satoshi has finally completed his preparations for the Charcoal grill! Just go ahead and try cooking without quaking in your boots at the might of Julio-senpai!"

As Isshiki is cooking, Alice turns to Erina and asks, "By the way, what kind of chef is Isshiki-san? I don't think I've ever really talked to him. I suppose Erina would know him better than me, since she was in the Elite 10 council with him!"

"He's a super awesome guy! Really reliable!" Daigo cuts her off. "Oh, but he's still a naked apron guy."

"A sprightly older brother character, I say." Marui adds.

"But he doesn't really talk too much about himself." Yuki says.

"A senpai that you can't eat." Ibusaki says, and it only makes Alice confused.

"Anyway, judging by his chef clothing, could he be a Japanese Cuisine Chef? In that case, his handling of the eel should also be..."

"I don't know about that." Ryo cuts his mistress off. "They said the soba world has that saying of three days cutting, three months rolling, three years kneading, right? The eel chefs have a similar saying in their world too...three years skewering, eight years slicing, and a whole lifetime grilling."

"Eight years? A life-time? That's unbelievable..." Marui says.

"So it's unclear whether or not that guy Isshiki holds that much skill..." Ryo nods.

Isshiki is looking at the eels as he mutters, "Oh, I've got it! If we lose the Regiment de Cuisine, we could open up an eel breeding farm!"

And then he starts to think about the stream and a greenhouse, causing Yuki to yell, "Wait! This isn't the time to be thinking about stuff like that!"

"You never change! Always loafing around, never earnestly trying! Frivolously chatting in the middle of a match...!" Julio says with annoyance. "I held your talent with the utmost regard! My dream was to stand side-by-side with you along with the Phantom, and flourish within Central! And yet both of you chose not to obey director Azami! Why? You're a fool for not being able to understand the director's ideals! An absolute fool!"

Soma says, "Don't get it wrong, I truly understand the ideals, I just don't like the fact that Eri-chan and I were the sacrifices to it, that's why we are against him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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