Chapter 49 Betting Time

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"A Regimental Shokugeki? That's quite the gallant affair. It's not a bad thing for us, though. In fact, it's a great opportunity to get rid of the conspirators who dare to go against Azami." The fifth seat Saito Somei says to the phone.

"Momo thinks it's a good thing, right, Bucchi?" Momo asks as she manages to get a checkmate while playing chess with Saito, causing the latter to be in dismay.

"I mean, we can shut down all the rebels in one fell swoop. So go on and tell commander Azami that Momo and everyone will stand and fight, Rindo." Momo adds.

"Let me fight too!" Eizan says in an angry tone as he takes the phone. "I will absolutely fuck Yukihira Soma up with my own hands!"

"But are you really gonna be okay, though? Eizan?" Eishi asks. "It's just that, well...I was thinking it'd be a bit problematic if you went up and lost again."

This causes Nene, who is beside Eizan, to chuckle a little, and Eizan's face to go red in anger.

"Tsukasa! You asshole! I heard what you said just now!" Rindo yells. "Have you no sensitivity or consideration towards your juniors? Eizan went and straight-up got wrecked against an ickle first-year baby, I mean, that's just so pathetic and pitiable, y'know? So you should be more considerate towards him!"

Eizan is now seething in rage as he throws Nene's cellphone, with the latter quickly catching it before it breaks. "By the way, commander Azami, there were 4 opponents, right? Are we going to match their numbers and fight against them that way?"

"Mm...I did have something like that in mind. Anyway, whichever option we choose, let's make it flashy." Azami adds.

"So there are the 8 of us, considering that the 9th seat is going to be expelled, and both the Phantom and Nakiri Erina are on the rebel's side..." Eishi says.

"Tsukasa-san, why would the Phantom help those people?" Nene asks, and Eishi sighs, "About that, I just called him to know what exactly is going on. He has personal hatred against Commander Azami."

"What do you mean by that?" Nene continues to ask, and Eishi frowns and says, "Let's say that Rindo and I already know the true identity of the Phantom."

This causes the whole Elite 10 on the car to be in surprise. Eizan asks, "What do you mean, you won against him?"

Eishi shakes his head and says, "I got a tie with him when he was not serious. I asked him to become a member of Central, but he just refused like that."

Rindo says, "Why didn't I know about the match, huh? Tsukasa? I thought we know who he is because we were in the office."

"It's a long story. But all I know is that the Phantom is very serious about trying to destroy Central, even to go this far as to reveal himself in front of the whole school." Eishi says.

"So that means we will be knowing who he is during the Regiment Shokugeki...interesting." Saito says.

"Momo thinks it would be better to know after defeating him..." Momo says.

When the time for the meeting has arrived, Soma is in his Phantom outfit, but without the mask, Megumi asks, "Soma-kun, are you sure you're going to dress like that?"

"It will be fine." Soma says. "Just so they know that they are not fighting against Yukihira Soma, but rather the Phantom himself."

"Going into another personality again, huh?" Joichiro pats his back.

"Enough with this nonsense, Dad." Soma says, still in a cold tone. Takumi mutters, "I still like the old one better..."

After seeing Azami skiing down the mountain, they are surprised, and then all the members of the Elite 10 are now in front of them. Soma says, "Well, the 6 Elite 10 members who betrayed the previous administration are here in full force, huh..."

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