Chapter 43 Erina's Decision

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Soma has returned to the dorm after staying at his office for a while, and Erina walks into his room, much to his surprise. Soma asks, "Eri-chan? What's wrong? Do you need something?"

"I want some answers, now that I know you are the Phantom. I want to know why you didn't show your strength when you have that match with Tsukasa? You could easily sweep him in the battle, not getting a draw." Erina says.

Soma says, "It is simple, I'm battling him as Yukihira Soma, not as the Phantom. That's why. There is still a strength difference between him and me."

Erina asks, "We already know that you are the Phantom, but why are you still talking like you and the Phantom are different?"

Soma chuckles a little and says, "Even you, huh...I was just answering the same question to Tsukasa senpai and Rindo senpai back at my office...But since you are my cousin, I think I can tell you. I have a split personality."

"What?" Erina asks in shock. "Are you serious? Since when did it happen?"

"Since when your gramps managed to bring me out of uncle Azami's control. That darkness has become my second personality." Soma sighs. "Trust me, I was just like you, scared of rebelling against uncle Azami. But ever since I have this personality, it feels weird, but it helps me to overcome everything."

Erina nods, and then she starts to talk about her first meeting with Soma's father, which is a half year before the training begins.

"I still remember how moved I felt eating Saiba-sama's dishes, but nevertheless, I also understand the correctness of the ideas espoused by my father. The world is filled with an almost irreparably great number of ill-made dishes, for as long as I can remember I was raised in full view of the painful reality of that fact. Somewhere along the way, I ended up forgetting what exactly cooking is to me."

Soma sighs and says, "Do you want to taste it again? I'll make it for you now: The Yukihira-style cooking."

At the same time, Hisako rushes into the dining room as she asks, "I can't find lady Erina-sama! I've looked everywhere! She's not anywhere! She must've fallen back under the control of Azami!" Hisako yells with horror.

Megumi hears from the phone as she says, "Actually, it looks like she's just in Soma's room."

As they are hearing, Erina says, "Did you say you're gonna let me taste the cooking of your family's diner, right here right now?"

"After all, even though we may be a small diner, my parents are former second seats in this school after all." Soma says. "They have taught me a lot of his cooking tricks, and if you taste those dishes from Yukihira...who knows? It may actually jog your memory from way back when. Well, just see for yourself. I'll feed you some really extraordinary food that I have the utmost confidence in."

In the dining room, the other Polar Star members recognize the laugh as it is when Soma is going to make disgusting food, and Erina asks what he is making, as Soma replies that it is Ten Donburi. While he is cooking, he notices Erina's sad face and says, "You're making such a gloomy face again, Eri-chan. Even though you're always acting so high and mighty, sometimes you get like that too, eh?"

"What?" Erina is confused.

"You need to shape up! 'cuz I'm gonna get my revenge for that day when we met again at the school." Soma says. "And I'm excited about it, I'm shakin' in my apron. Today will be the day I'm definitely going to make that legendary mouth of your say this is delicious."

After the meal is done, Erina says, "It seems you're at least confident. Well then, let's have it. What kind of dish have you prepared for me?"

"This is Yukihira-style "Chicken Egg Tenpura Donburi"." Soma says.

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