Chapter 41 First Seat Battle.

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"So you proposed that sort of rule as part of the Elite 10 council. Even Nakiri Azami was forced to approve it. You laid the groundwork for this outside of the school by fully utilizing the authority and connections only an Elite 10 member would have. You created a situation where the Azami administration has little choice but to accept this rule...what amazing finesse." Marui says. "Since the results of the Shokugeki between Yukihira and Eizan Etsuya were made public, the general opinion from outside the school is that Kabutoyama-senpai's expulsion should be rescinded."

"Dang good going, Isshiki senpai. That guy still hasn't taught me about skewering." Soma says.

"Moreover, today is finally..." Ibusaki asks.

"Yeah, the Central's Survivor Purge." Marui adds. "Today is going to be the first day of it."

Then they decide to check out the purge as they split into four groups to watch. But without the number, Soma and Megumi decide to go into Erina's room to ask.

"Recon? But leaving Erina-sama's side..." Hisako frowns.

"So Eri-chan isn't feeling well?" Soma asks. "I can't blame her, she's been like this since Uncle Azami came over."

"I'm fine! I've gotten a lot better!" Erina says. "Hisako, since I'll be resting...please go and help everyone."

"Are you sure you're alright? If anything happens, please call me on my cellphone immediately. If you start feeling dizzy again, take this herbal medicine with hot water. You can boil the water with this electric pot...ah, the cup is here..."

"There's no need to explain all that! I've got it!" Erina says as he turns to Soma. "Yukihi-no, Sou-kun."

Soma turns to Erina as she says, "It doesn't bother you that day? With my father said..."

"I know, the revolution...its beginnings are rooted in his relationship with my parents." Soma says. "You were not the one that was suffering, I did as well. That's why I have to stop him no matter what."

After that, Soma, Megumi, and Takumi are now at the Avenue D, where they see Akanegakubo Momo and Eizan Etsuya having a Shokugeki and winning against Chocolate RS and Western Style RS. And they win it with ease. They also notice some Grade 2 students who are said to be the Central's Elite members as they also win against them. However, when Alice and Ryo arrive, Ryo challenged Kusunoki Rentarou and wins against him. Everything was being watched by Azami, who is also there.

At the same time, Erina and Isshiki are riding the car to the D Venue. And Isshiki looks at the computer and says, "Aha! I guess this must be the cause of all of this. It seems Alice Nakiri was named captain of the Cutting-Edge Cooking RS."

"Captain? When in the world?" Erina asks.

"It's written down here in the record of past Shokugekis. I can only assume that this is the reason she was targeted by Central's Survivor Purge." Isshiki says.

"Alice...I wonder if she's okay..." Erina frowns.

"I see you're worried about her." Isshiki says as Erina tries to deny, but Isshiki knows that she is lying.

"Though I wonder...I have done many horrible things to Alice and Sou-kun...I can't see how they'd still think of me as a friend..."

"Well, let's just hurry. We should be there any minute now." Isshiki says.

"What a great match." Azami says while clapping his hand, Alice turns around and says, "Long time no see, Uncle Azami."

"Given what's transpired here, I wonder if you can still say with confidence that your ideals are absolutely correct." Alice says back.

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