Chapter 55 Flashback with Elite 10 Part 4

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"Now the meeting with Kuga senpai is also an interesting one." Soma says as the said person flinch a little, Takumi asks, "Why is that?"

Soma says, "Do you remember the Autumn Leaf Viewing? In the previous year, Kuga senpai has tried to ask if any of the Elite 10 members are going to accept his challenge."

Megumi asks, "Eh? You did that?"

Kuga sighs and says, "Yeah, I did that. And Tsukasa senpai is the one who accepts my challenge."

"Tsukasa, huh? Then you must have a one-sided loss against him, right?" Erina asks, only to be glared back by the said person.

Soma says, "Indeed, it is his loss, but there is another reason why Kuga senpai holds a grudge against Tsukasa Eishi."


"You're still down in the dumps, Kuga?" Eizan says with annoyance. "It's already been over ten days since your Shokugeki against Tsukasa-san! You should've known from the outset that it would be impossible to put up a good fight against the first seat! You conceited little runt!"

Isshiki says, "But if you were to look at it another were good enough to drag the first seat out to the battlefield. If you ask me, that's more than enough to be proud of."

"You're right! I'm the only classman who Tsukasa Eishi bothered to compete in a Shokugeki." Kuga says. "I'm going to challenge him into a revenge time."

"Wait a minute, are you serious, Kuga?" Nene asks with surprise.

And when the four of them try to find Tsukasa, he is with Rindo and the Phantom.

"So Tsukasa, you had a Shokugeki with an underclassman, Kuga Terunori, right? The one who managed to get third place in the Autumn Elections. Why did you want to challenge him?" Soma asks.

"Kuga?" Tsukasa Eishi is confused, "Who is that?"

"Geez, Tsukasa! You forgot about it already?" Rindo scolds him. "He challenged you with the Szechuan Cuisine a few days ago...geez, there's nothing inside of your head except the next dish you are going to prepare."

Soma notices the four people who are watching the scene, and he says, "Tsukasa, Rindo, I'll meet you later. I have some other business to attend."

The two of them nod as Soma leaves, as he knows what is going on.

(Flashback Ends)

"That's so think that he would do that..." Megumi frowns.

"Indeed...that is also when I met the Phantom for the first time..." Kuga mutters.


"So you four have been listening to our conversation, right?" Soma asks the four, who flinch after seeing the Phantom talking to them. "I think this is our first meeting, Kuga Terunori, right?"

"Is it true..." Kuga asks with anger, "He didn't even bother to care about the match I had with him?"

"Don't worry about it, he usually does that a lot." Soma sighs. "Though it must have hurt your pride after hearing such bad words from him."

"You're the 0th seat, right? Please tell that guy that I'm going to have a rematch against him!" Kuga yells.

"Even if you try to challenge him again, you will end up losing again. Why don't you try to frustrate your anger against me?" The Phantom asks, causing the others to get surprised.

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