Chapter 46 Vs. Hayama Part 2

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"It is what it is. A bunch of stuff happened and now Hayama's with central." Soma is calling to Alice, as the girl is very angry, "What in the world? Why? He worked with me during the Moon Banquet Festival! Don't he? Why would he go over to the enemies' side?"

"It is a long story, so let me guess, you guys are matched up against the Elite 10 members, too, eh?" Soma asks.

"Yeah. Both Ryo and I were actually just about to head over to the match arena." Alice says. "Geesh! I've got to give Hayama-kun a stern talking to. Gotta scold him for forgetting everything he learned as part of my team, the white coat three!"

"I see, you definitely should. They're telling us to hurry now, I'll call you back." Soma says as he ends the call. Soma sighs and he says, "Not everyone is just like me, they won't be able to defeat the Elite 10..."

Kuga asks, "So? What are you planning then?"

Soma says, "A lot of things, but first, I'm planning to beat Hayama."

On the day of the match, Soma and Hayama are prepared at the station, until Soma hears, "It's Soma-Nii chan!"

Soma notices the two people and he says, "Sheila! Bertha! What are you two doing here?"

"Yukihira-chin, you know these two?" Kuga asks, and Dojima says, "The girls are Leonora-dono's underlings. They will be the judges, and the head judge is..."

"Oh! It's Nassan!" The girls exclaim, and Dojima adds, "The man who founded Totsuki's research division, Nakiri International! At present, he leaves management of the organization to his wife, Leonora-dono, and oversees negotiations and the formation of contractual obligations with external organizations. Nakiri Soe."

"Uncle Soe?" Soma gasps in surprise.

"Good to see you again, Soma-kun. It sure has been a while." Soe says to Soma, who nods back.

"Wait, these girls are still just kids! Can they even judge?" Kuga retorts, only to be called Midget and being pinched by the two girls.

Soma says, "I know for sure that they're good with the knowledge of Cerebrophyistology and the gustatory senses. But Noe-san, even though we are distant relatives, surely you judge this fairly, right?"

"Of course, even if this match were to feature my daughter Alice herself, I would still be fair and equal. Even if it meant that Alice had to suffer defeat. Because win or lose, Alice is still the cutest girl in the world. Wait a minute, Leonora's also the cutest girl in the world. The loveliness of these two will forever be the one mystery of the years of my research."

Soma sweatdrops a little as he almost forgot how passionate he is for his wife and daughter.

After showing the bear meat that Hayama and Soma are using, they begin cooking their meals. Hayama takes the Roast meat and he is going to fry it, much to everyone's surprise.

"A storied famous dish that has its origins in the American south...Fried Chicken. I'll be making a version of that dish fit for central today." Hayama replies.

"Damn, Daniel should have come to see this." Fujiwara says. "Fried bear, huh..."

They all know for sure that Hayama is going in for a super close-quarters battle. As for Soma, he is also going to do fried food, but he is going for the mincemeat Katsu. And when Hayama is preparing the sauce, both Sheila and Bertha decide to try some, and they feel like they have become his pets after tasting it.

"What a fearsome chef...those innocent girls were subjugated by just his sauce..." Qiu says after seeing the two girls who are sweating.

"This sure might be hard for Soma-kun after all." Fujiwara says.

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