Chapter 28 First Seat of 88th Generation Part 1

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After the Autumn Elections are over, a blue-haired boy who is 19 years old is now standing in front of the Polar Star Dorm, as he knocks on the door, Fumio-san is the one who opens it and she sighs, "I never thought you would return so soon. Yu."

"It sure has been a while, Fumio-san. May I ask if I came in a bad time?" The person named Yu asks with a smile.

Fumio sighs as she says, "The kids are now at the garden, why don't you come to sit for a while?"

Soma and the others are now returning back to the dorm after gathering a lot of vegetables, and Soma asks, "Isshiki-senpai, what are you going to make with these vegetables that we have here?"

"That sure is a good question, how about we make some special chikuzenni?" Isshiki asks, and Yuki yells, "I agree! That is the best!"

"Indeed, it sure reminds me of the Shokugeki that Soma-kun won against Mimasaka-kun." Megumi says.

"Oh, you mean the beef stew." Soma says. "Even though it has been a few weeks, I still can't believe I tied with Hayama..."

Just then, as they enter the dining room, they notice that the breakfast is already made, and Daigo asks, "What's with Fumio-san? Those are some delicious breakfast!"

"Maybe she is in a good mood?" Shoji asks. "But they are not that kind of breakfast that we usually eat..."

Fumio walks from the kitchen and says, "Oh, you guys are here. The breakfast is already, just pick what you like."

"Fumio-san, did you make these?" Isshiki asks, Fumio sighs, "I didn't. We have a surprised guest who helped me make these."

"Surprised guest?" Everyone is shocked until the boy walks out of the kitchen, "Fumio-san, this is the last one."

"B-b-brother?" Just then, everyone notices that Megumi is the one who gasps as Yu turns to Megumi, "Oh? Megumi. Good to see you again."

"Megumi-chi's brother?" Yuki gasps in shock and so does everyone in the room. Soma recognizes the person in front of him and Fumio says, "This is Tadokoro Yu, he was the first seat of the 88th generation, and also one of the stars in the Polar Star Dorm."

"Former First seat?" Everyone gasps in shock except for Soma, Megumi, and Isshiki.

Megumi asks, "W-w-what are you doing here? Brother?"

Yu says, "Why can't I see how my sister is doing in school? I came here to visit, of course."

As they are sitting at the table, Soma looks at the plate, he says, "They are much similar to those scallion pancakes that were from Taiwan...but there are also eggs and other things inside..."

"These are Egg Pies, when I was studying at Qiu's restaurant, I noticed a lot of them from the streets. There are a variety of them and I decided to use all the factors I learned around the world to make this."

Yuki says, "That's true...I can see that there is some sort of fried chicken in this one..." After taking a bite, she is overwhelmed by the crunchiness and flavor of the chicken. As for Ryoko, he got the Kimchi one as she feels a little spicy but delicious. As for Soma, he got the one with the sausages, and he is also overwhelmed by the taste.

"My brother is a specialist in breakfast." Megumi says. "But I sure haven't tried any of these before."

Yu says, "In western breakfast, there are a lot of sweet bread and also other things like eggs, beans, sausages for breakfast, and in the east, there are noodles, pancakes, and also other things. But what surprised me is the variety in Taiwanese breakfast, and these egg pies are the reason."

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