Chapter 52 Flashback with Elite 10 Part 1

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Soma is now a Junior High Grade 2 Age, and he is sitting at the Headmaster's office as Senzaemon has something to talk to him about. Soma asks, "Headmaster Senzaemon, why did you call me here?"

Senzaemon says, "I want to talk to you about the winner of the Autumn Election Festival: His name is Tsukasa Eishi."

"Tsukasa Eishi, huh...What about him?" Soma asks. "I mean, are you asking my opinion to let him join the Elite 10 Council?"

"That's one of them, the other one is that he is a Perfectionist, he has been persisting teachers to constantly check and advise him on his dishes despite them already being of superb quality. He has a nickname known as the Teacher Crusher." Senzaemon says.

"I see." Soma sighs. "So you want me to use Angel's Eyes to see if he is fit to be a part of the Elite 10? I'll go do that."

After that, Soma goes back into his Phantom disguise as he leaves the office. As he is walking on the hallways, a lot of students are watching in fear of the Phantom who is walking. Soma doesn't pay attention to others until he hears a voice.

"Geez, Tsukasa. You really defeat that senpai with ease." It is a girl's voice, and Soma notices that Tsukasa Eishi is walking with a girl who has red hair. Soma recognizes it as the second place of the Autumn Elections, Kobayashi Rindo, who is also known for using rare ingredients to make delicious meals.

"Are you the Phantom?" Soma hears Tsukasa Eishi talking to him, as he turns around. Rindo says, "Eh? So you are the mysterious Phantom? The one who manages to beat every one of the Elite 10 members to get into the 0th seat, huh."

"I see you two know me." Soma sighs. "The headmaster has asked me to find you, Tsukasa Eishi."

He throws a paper and Eishi takes it, he notices the words, "Tonight at Moon Banquet Hall."

"What's the meaning of this?" Eishi asks.

"You'll know eventually." Soma says as he leaves, much to their confusion.

That night, Soma is still in his Phantom outfit with Tadokoro Yu by his side. He asks, "Are you sure you're going to do this? Phantom?"

"I am sure." Soma replies. "You're going to graduate very soon, and I have a feeling that those two are going to become the next members of the Elite 10."

Yu sighs, "If you say so."

After a while, both Tsukasa Eishi and Kobayashi Rindo arrive, but just as they see both the 0th seat and the 1st seat, they are quite surprised.

"The Phantom and Yu-senpai?" Both of them are surprised, and the Phantom says, "Hello, Tsukasa Eishi and Kobayashi Rindo. I see you manage to come here with my message."

"What is the meaning of this?" Rindo asks. "Why did you ask us to be here?"

Soma says, "It is simple, I will be challenging you to a Shokugeki, Tsukasa Eishi."

"What? Me against you?" Eishi gasps in surprise. "What if...what if I got beaten by you? I can't accept this..."

Suddenly, Eishi goes into panic mode, and Yu turns to Phantom, "So that is his real self?"

"I guess so...I never knew that Tsukasa is a person who is very worried..." Soma sighs.

Eishi says, "But, it will be great if I get to see what's under the mask, right?"

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