Chapter 35 Moon Banquet Festival Part 1

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Soma and Megumi are preparing their stall in the middle area, and Soma smiles at his girlfriend, who agrees to help him out in his own stand.


It was the day before visiting Kuga's place, Megumi enters Soma's room and she says, "Soma-kun! I thought it might help, so I brought a Chinese recipe book."

"Thanks, but Megumi, you aren't setting up a booth with the other Polar Star Dorm members? Didn't Isshiki senpai ask you?" Soma asks.

"Ah yes, the Local Cuisine Research Society is setting up a booth too, but I refused them both." Megumi says.

"But why?" Soma asks.

"I mean, I thought you'd need help, Soma-kun." Megumi blushes a little and says, "But I might get in your way, right? Sorry that I just planned to help like it's the most natural thing in the world..."

"It's fine, it is just like the Stagiaire." Soma says with a smile. "You're a lifesaver for this."

Megumi is delighted as she hugs Soma, causing both to blush.

(Flashback Ends)

"Since our booth is still working, let's leave them to the construction workers, right now let's go see what the others are doing." Soma says.

Megumi nods as they walk on the road, as they see a huge building in the uptown area, and they find that Erina and Hisako are there.

"Yukihira and Tadokoro?" Erina is surprised to see the two of them. And Megumi asks, "Nakiri-kun, what are you doing?"

"They're taking out the furniture that was inside the building I'll be using as my booth. I'm changing everything so that it's more fitting for the atmosphere of a course menu."

"Seems like this kind of setup is only natural for Elite 10 members, considering that our booth is doing the same." Soma says.

"Just how did you two manage to persuade the Phantom to help you open a stand?" Erina asks with a little annoyance.

"The Phantom is a good friend of mine, and why can't he?" Soma asks with confusion. Hisako rushes to them and she says, "Erina-sama! It seems the contractors bringing what you asked for are going to be late by around one hour!"

"What? Good grief. That can't be helped." Erina sighs.

"That means you two are free for now? I was thinking of making a couple of dishes I made at home." Soma says. "Since you are the God Tongue, can you taste them for me?"

"Wha-why do I have to do such thing?" Erina yells, but Hisako says, "You only have one-hour Yukihira! Erina-sama is a busy person."

Erina is shocked that Hisako didn't help her stop Soma. After a while, Erina wants to ask Hisako what happened to get him close to Soma, but she decides against it.

Soma says, "This is the Yukihira-Style Mapo Tofu meal." Soma says as he delivers the meal, and Erina tastes it and she says, "I see, you'll never defeat Kuga-senpai with this dish, that's because your dish is overwhelmingly low in both "Ma" and "La"."

"I know that." Soma sighs. "That was not actually what I was planning to serve. I just want to know how far behind I am compared to Kuga senpai."

"What?" Erina asks, and Hisako adds, "Come to think of it, Kuga senpai said this."

She tells Soma and Megumi about what he likes about his food, and Soma sighs, "I kinda understand how Kuga senpai feels. Sometimes, I have more fun cooking when someone faints in agony after they say it's bad. Rather than when I see someone smile after saying my dish is good."

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