3: Angels and Devils

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Every time I opened my eyes, the stupid rock dropped. I thought it was all a trick to keep me entertained so I didn't wander off somewhere. They were wrong if they believed they could keep me here with simple trickery. If I wanted something, I took it and never regretted it.

I stood on my feet with an aggravated huff. "I can't do it!" I shouted, flipping my arms in the air.

"I know it is difficult, but you can't give up," Obi-Wan said with a facepalm. He was frustrated with me, and I didn't care. What he asked me to do was ridiculous and a waste of time. Not that I was in a hurry to do anything since leaving the ship wasn't an option.

"Do it yourself," I snapped, not caring if he got upset at my outburst. The Jedi' creased his brows: he didn't like what I demanded of him. I bit my lip, I knew I shouldn't have, but I was angry. It still didn't make it right. If Padmé were here, she would scold me.

Even if my sister isn't here,
Why do I feel another lecture coming on?

"Learners do not make demands of their Masters. With that said, you listen and respect them, " he said sternly, his glare showing a much more severe side than earlier.

I put my hands on my hips and grumbled. Learners were always demanding, always thinking they were better when not. I knew this; I didn't want to admit it. I tried to be special compared to everyone else — but I wasn't. I was, without a doubt — a selfish child.

"But I want to see you lift the stupid rock," I demanded again.

"No," he said. "And you will learn your place, young one."

He began to stand up, but I ran over to him, touching his hand.
A bright white flash appeared my body floated till I sensed the ground beneath my feet. Between the unfamiliar smell and a soft breeze, I wasn't on the starship anymore. The place looked like a giant temple filled with magnificent golden statues of people in robes. I stood between a door of a dome-like room where they were all sorts of children: humans and aliens swung practice lightsabers back and forth against a floating ball shooting lasers.

One particular youngling was struggling against the ball. I could see the frustration in his sea-blue eyes as he began to growl.

"Focus you must, Obi-Wan; through you, the force flows," a green alien with pointy ears said.

I can feel his frustration; my nails dig into my closed fist.

Another bright flash, I was looking off into the distance, a place outside in a vast field of green grass. There Obi-Wan stood, trying to lift a huge boulder. His face wrinkled as if he were struggling, and I saw Master Qui-gon standing over him. Suddenly the boulder started to inch off the ground, and little by little, the rock was high in the blue sky.

"Good," Qui-Gon praised. "Now try it with your eyes open."

Obi-Wan feels confident, overconfident, some might say.

I flashed back to the present time, still holding Obi-Wan's hand— I sensed his emotions and could... hear his thoughts? I backed away, shaking in confusion. I had no idea what I just saw nor how I did it.

Was it real? Did those things happen?

"You have psychometry? I thought it only works when someone touches an object, not someone."

I gaped at Obi-Wan, his eyes wide. I didn't blame him. I was surprised too. I had never been able to do anything like that my whole life. Suddenly — two Jedi showed up — then bam! Superpowers!

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