9: Our Mistake

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Leta is now 16, my lovely readers❣️

✧༺♥༻∞ ∞༺♥༻✧

I found myself bashing the hell out of Anakin's new lightsaber. The best part of all this? I was finally sparring with him: my best friend who knew me better than myself some days.

Sweat dripped down my brow, grinding my teeth. I knew Anakin was better than most, but I was the best. That was not me bragging; it was simply a fact. If Master Windu said it — a man who rarely gave me praise — and I quote. "I am the most promising duelist in my class." Then who was I to argue with the uncompromising Master?

Oh, but I do all the time. I'm just so disagreeable.

Truthfully, I was an opinionated girl. I had to put my two senses into everything I did or saw.
I tended to have a hard time with authority (not so much as I was younger) if nobody in the temple had guessed by now, but I like being rebellious. The Jedi were too stiff; they needed to loosen up.

One day I will put a shock buzzer in Master Windu's chair for a goof. I might get some laughs out of that.

But I was improving. Clearly, not nearly as stubborn. I did what I was told — for the most part. There were times when I genuinely disagreed — that my task was not justifiable or I just wanted to be myself: argumentative Queen — fatally flawed. In his way, Master Windu said that he admired my spirit and it was good and natural to defy authority. "Not all orders are going to be morally correct."

Those words came out of his mouth. He sometimes mentioned it was necessary to make sacrifices. Even at the cost of the Jedi Code, Windu didn't and probably never would say that to his fellow Masters. He trusted me to keep that to myself, and I did; I would never betray the trust of my Master. Yet, at the same time, I would never want to sacrifice my morality and what the Jedi stood for, even for the greater good.

If I want to be Queen, pretending, of course, I have to make sacrifices. Heavy is the head that wears the crown and all that.

On the other hand, I liked to meditate: Shocker.
I thought I would hate it more than anything in the Galaxy. At first, I did, but I found an indescribable calm, almost like pure serenity. It allowed me to think and dream. But most importantly, it provided insight into the living Force. I didn't always understand what was whispered to me or what was up in my visions. Sometimes, it was better than listening to old Jedi Masters.

Especially the pretentious ones; don't think there aren't any because there are. A particular pride came from being a master and sitting on the Council.

Suddenly I was thrown to the ground, and Anakin's blue blade descended upon me. I brought my lightsaber to block his attack. Unfortunately, he had the advantage. So I played into his ego, making him think he was winning. Slowly I released some of my strength to make it look like the blade was lowering.
I moved my knee just right, pushed up quickly, and used the power in my other leg to flip him over my head. Anakin was not expecting that. We're both standing face-to-face. I playfully slapped his blade, daring him to press the attack. His face crunched in frustration; he fell right into my trap.

There was one move I'd been practicing and saving — this was the time to use it. I utilized my one leg to jump up in the air and contort my body into a spin with my blade angled a bit downwards — barely hitting his hilt — quickly moved the edge up, knocking his lightsaber out of his hand. Meanwhile, I landed on top of him.

Who has the advantage now?

"This is outrageous," Anakin complained. "I'm the chosen one; I should've easily bested you."

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