21: Pada-I-don't-want-one!

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Note 1: I'm constantly going back and editing chapters, making them less wordy, adding active voices, and more descriptive sentences without being flowery. I want it to be decently written and enjoyed. I hope you are❣️

Note 2: Wullf Yularen is snobbish in my story. In the Clone Wars, I didn't picture him as such. But I wanted to exaggerate the character a little bit.

Note 3: I won't focus too much on the Clones Wars, I can't remember them correctly (my Disney Plus is canceled), and I don't want to butcher them, but I think a certain Padawan is an integral part of Anakin's story. I will sometimes focus on the heavy moments of their relationship, but it will be a bit different than what was already done.

Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote, my lovely readers 💜

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I strode onto the bridge of by-the-books- Admiral: Wullf Yularen's Star Destroyer. When I heard no word from Anakin and Obi-Wan on Christophsis for days — I panicked and accidentally volunteered for a side mission. I didn't show my apprehension; I had to be stoic for the officers and all. Regardless, my senses screamed at me; something was going on Christophsis, certainly not in our favor.

Captain Pisces, my second in command, handled the scouting details while I hung around Admiral Yularens ship—meanwhile, two members of my squad: Bullseye, a sniper. And Joker — an infiltrator — scoured a planet for Jabba the Hut's missing son.

I stopped by the holoterminal, my hands clasped behind my back and playing with my fingers nervously, but my expression remained stern as stone. I waited for Master Yoda's call, granting permission to proceed with my secondary task. It was to send a special messager — a little gift — so to speak, to my husband. I had a good idea he would fight everybody on it. But he would warm up to the situation — eventually.

The Admiral made an appearance; his hair was a greying black, professionally cut and parted to one side. He had a straight mustache that accompanied his slim and aged face. If that wasn't enough, his military uniform gleamed with medals from his many accomplishments.

"General Amidala, welcome aboard. It is a pleasure to see the leader of the 394th regiment." He saluted.

I nodded curtly, ignoring the frown threatening to appear at the word General. "Good to finally meet the Admiral who serves Skywalker. It must be challenging to keep up with his... creative tactics."

His face remained expressionless, and his shoulders were stiff as a board. It made me tense just looking at him.

"At times, but I'm willing to entertain his ideas if it gains us an advantage," he said coolly.

I never thought this because I believed it impossible, but this guy seemed more apathetic than Master Windu — that was saying a lot. Before I could respond, the holoterminal began to beep, and the Grandmaster appeared.

"Make contact with Generals Obi-Wan and Skywalker. We must."

I grimaced. "Unfortunately, we can't. Communications have been... erratic at best."

"It could be a solar storm, or there rebooting their communications. Most likely, the blackout is temporary. I'm sure there holding out fine," Yularen assured.

But we have no way of knowing. Acting blindly isn't my preferred method, but if we have no other choice.

"The generals are cable, Admiral. And while Skywalker may neglect an occasional holocall, Kenobi doesn't. It makes me uneasy. I suggest we assist."

The Admiral cleared his throat pretentiously. "If we send aid before the planet is fully secure, we risk losing it entirely."

"Their lives could be in danger," I snapped. "I will not allow them to be killed because of your inability to act."

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