29: Trust in Treachery

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Ok, a few things! For this chapter, I want to point out I love Anakin's Character Arc in this Clone Wars episode. He works his ass off (not literally, thank God, lol). To prove Ahsoka was innocent while the Council gave up on her. I want to clarify that Anakin tried his damnest to investigate the real traitor behind the scenes because his character deserves love and appreciation.

For the sake of trying not to copy the episode fully in my story. Leta reveals the truth, not because I want her to be a "girl boss" and the only person to solve problems. I don't particularly like flawless/Mary Sue women. ( I tried to make Leta have flaws and be relatable while still being strong). Plus, time/length.

Also, a steamy love scene will be in this chapter. It's not graphic enough to be a definite rated M. I think it's bordering on being M, so be aware for my youngling readers.

Anyways, thank you for your understanding and for reading this story. At the risk of sounding cliché, it means the world to me that you made it this far! 💜

Don't forget to comment and vote, my lovely readers. Stay safe and have fun❣️🤗☺️🥰💜

      ✧༺♥༻∞ ∞༺♥༻✧

Water rushed through the pipes, and his boots splashed against them, causing his robes to be soaked. The young warrior didn't care. He had one goal on his mind: Save his Padawan.

If the Galaxy was already in hell, the he was in the thick of it — at least mentally. His wife was recovering from an explosion at the temple caused by terrorists, and all blame pointed to his student. He couldn't believe it — he refused to. His padawan was selfless and brave — her devotion to the Jedi — toward him was absolute. But they wanted proof it wasn't her, and he would find it, come hell or high water.

The city's light cascaded into the tunnel, outlining a black figure, a Togruta: his padawan. He rushed ahead to face the Togruta he adored as a sister. She appeared hesitant to jump, which gave him an opening to talk to her.

"Ahsoka, what are you doing? He asked, almost wavering.

Ahsoka looked down at the ground, her body shaking the longer she stared. But the fear of facing her Master appeared worse. She turned to him, tears in her sapphire eyes. She had to do this.

She was always brave.

"They locked me up! And you didn't even try to come and help me!" she yelled, not in anger but sadness. She felt betrayed.

And little did she know how far such treachery went.

"I tried, but they wouldn't let me see or talk to you."

"You could've if you pushed harder!"

He sighed, edging closer to her, his movements full of desperation.
"How would that have looked, Ahsoka, huh? It would have made you look even more guilty."

Those words seemed to hurt worse than the blaster bolt. She gripped her chest as if grabbing her beating heart.

"I'm not guilty!"

"You need to prove your innocent, the only way to do that is by going back," Anakin implored, gesturing the opposite way of her twisted freedom — her fall.

She looked away from him. She refused to catch sight of the distress swirling in his haunting blue eyes. She would be forever tormented by one glance.

"I... I don't know who to trust."

It was him — it had to be. He was her teacher, her confidant, her brother. If she lost sight of who he was — what he meant to her... then what hope remained in bringing Ahsoka back home, with him, Leta, and Obi-Wan as a family?

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