7: Light' em up!

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The first trailer and a video edit are on the first chapter, as well as the gift and edit page — if you would like to check them out, it would be much appreciated, but no pressure:) Luv, you guys, enjoy the story, My lovely readers❣️

Leta is now 14.

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Three years! It had taken me three years to get Master Windu to allow me to construct my lightsaber! I thought I would die of old age before he let it happen. He reasoned I wasn't responsible enough, which was a load of Bantha poo. But, of course, I couldn't say that (out loud), at least. If I did, I fear it might take another hundred years before I could wield the weapon of a Jedi.

Skipping down the ramp to the landing pad, I spotted a shuttle with my Master on board departing to Ilum. A planet where a Kyber crystal would sing to me; I would sing back. All joking aside, that was the crystal I must choose. Then I construct my lightsaber; attune my weapon to myself and the Force.

But the real question was, what color would my crystal turn out to be? Amethyst, the color, bordered the darkside, but the user remained faithful to the light. Or was it my favorite color? The guardians blue — those who wield such were skilled in combat and proper protectors of justice. The green— keepers of the peace — the counselors. The Jedi strongest with the Force tended to wield this blade. I had a feeling I wasn't going to wield my favorite color, which was a shame. However, green would do because it revealed my powerful connection to the Force. And I would challenge myself... getting stronger every day.

I can even lift a rock with my eyes open; take that, Obi-Wan!

Though I wasn't as powerful as The Chosen One, The one who would bring balance to the Force, my best friend in the whole Galaxy, Anakin Skywalker, was okay because I didn't seek to outmatch him. However — one day, I wanted to be his equal — to be by his side without feeling I was a burden to him. That feeling hadn't happened yet, not that we had gone on missions together.

Unfortunately, I wasn't working on strengthening my bond to the Force yet, but it was coming. I had been trying to learn to maintain my psychometry; Instead of my gift happening randomly when I touched something or someone. The Jedi and I wanted to control it on a whim. Which proved exceedingly tricky; the Force, in that regard, had a mind of its own. At any moment, it could say: screw you, Leta, time to have a vision! Never mind a Sith trying to chop my head off while I stood there tripping out like an idiot.

I heard the shuttle's engine start and the blazing blue fire bursting out of the exhaust vent. I jumped in the shuttle with a wide grin that could rival the sun. I could hardly contain my excitement as I skipped to my seat. Windu glanced at me with an eyebrow raised before shaking his head with a tiny curl to his lips.
He was always resisting a laugh; I wished he would let one out once and a while; it might make the grumpy monk less grumpy.

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Ah, Ilum. One of the homes of the Kyber crystals. One must travel deep into a dark and ominous cave to find them — it sounded more like an adventure than a Jedi task. I leaped off the shuttle, hearing the crunch of the white powder beneath my feet. I pulled my robe closer to my body to avoid turning into a human popsicle.

"Hoth is worse," Windu remarked with a sneer, pulling up on his hood to keep his bald head snug and warm against the cold. "Much, much worse."

I snorted; I guess my Master was not a fan of the cold, me on the other hand. Well, I'd say the cold never bothered me anyway.

"Let it go, Master," I quipped with a straight face. "Complaining about it makes it worse and doesn't solve anything."

"Thank you, Leta, for your valuable input," Windu said, bringing a hand to his chest, faking a shocked expression. "It's a wonder how I survived without you for so long."

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