25: The Strenght of You

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I felt the twin suns warm my body, and sweat formed all over, making my robes stick like glue. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw a relatively peaceful Anakin resting on the sand beside me. An image I never thought possible, considering his hatred for the stuff, but he didn't have a choice.

I noticed my arms wrapped around his body — like he was my security pillow. I reluctantly released my hold, hoping nobody paid attention to it, and checked his pulse; it was weaker than before, and my heart skipped a beat. He needed help! A loud noise echoed across the sky, similar to a dropship. Wait, a dropship! I leaned up as quickly as my body could.

Hopefully, it was the Republic.
Damn well better be.

I sprinted to exit the small tent, seeing a group of clone troopers and shuttles flying overhead.
I signed in relief, especially when Ahsoka waved her arms excitedly to get their attention, and they turned toward us. But I frowned; my ears picked up on congestive coughing. I raced back to Anakin and knelt by his side.

"Hold on, Ani," I pleaded. "Help is here!"

I took a deep breath — resting the urge to panic. Blood trickled from his mouth, and I whipped it away with my outer robe. But he coughed again, gurgling up more blood.

"Leta..." He continued coughing. His whole body lurching, I helped turn him over to his side more blood came up. "I'm... going to survive... this... I'm not leaving... you behind," Anakin wheezed. "I promise."

"I know, Ani," I whispered and stroked his cheek. I gazed up at the medical crew and immediately moved out of the way as they lifted Anakin off the ground and onto the stretcher. I followed, determined not to leave his side. I was his strength — his other half. But my captain stopped me, placing a hand on my arm. I almost tugged it away with a hiss, but my duty as a Jedi came first, whether I wanted it to or not.

"Good to see you alright, Ma'am," Captain Pisces saluted."You missed one hell of a space battle."

"I take it your victorious?" It was more of a statement than a question because he wouldn't be standing here if my troops didn't succeed.

"They're nothing but space debris, Ma'am — the Admiral — for all his... flaws — knows a thing or two about galactic warfare and strategy."

I sighed in relief and rubbed my temple. "At least he was good for something."

"Ma'am, may I ask you something?"

"You may always speak freely, Captain," I said, gesturing to the dropship.

"Thank you," he said, walking beside me. "Do you find it odd that the separatist we're fighting over Tatooine and not Geonosis? After stealing Jabba's son, you would think coming to Hutt-controlled space meant all-out war?"

My brows creased at his words, and I cocked my head slightly. "Now that you mentioned it — something does smell rotten in Alderaan."

"Or, in this case, Tatoonie."

"Right," I grabbed the shuttles handle and paused before hopping in. "What are the chances Dooku did some master negotiating, and the Hutt cartel gave the separatist the schematics?"

"Doubtful. I'm leaning more toward some well-planned distraction for something far greater."

I looked up at him with concern. "To what?"

"Impossible to say, Ma'am," Pisces said, leaping onto the shuttle. He held out his hand, I took it, and he helped me up.
"At least they don't have the Schematics. If they were ever a thing."

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