17: Afterparty 

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After finishing my gauze for my wound — I made my way outside. I leaned on the balcony of the lake house, gazing at the crystal clear waters of Naboo. The moon reflected on the soft waves — I felt calm — like the water: relaxed and clean; nothing could ruin my contentment.

Well, maybe a droid army. There goes my contentment.

Today's conflict dredged up memories of when the separatist took my home. I could almost ignore those recollections on the battlefield, but now I was alone with my thoughts, which were eating away at me. How many more were lost then and today? I feared many more sacrifices in the future.

Despite the calm weather, I felt a storm brewing. Our actions and that of another had just started a war, a war the Galaxy would suffer. I knew going Geonosis would be the shot heard around the Galaxy. But that was tomorrow; tonight, I would enjoy the calm before the storm tonight.

I sensed a familiar presence behind me that caused my lips to form a bright smile. I assumed Anakin would stand by my side. Instead, he gently wrapped his arms around my body. His arms cradled me like a vast ocean — he could carry me away — and I would be forever safe from drowning. The faint smell of fresh lemon ensnared my senses, and I finally gave in by leaning into his touch.

"Ani," I whispered.

It was the only word I could say. Everything else just flew out of my head. Hell, Anakin was the only thing I could focus on. His heated breath caressed my neck, forming goosebumps across my pale skin. His hands, even with a metallic one, were strong and warm. They rested on my stomach, keeping me close; I hoped he never let go.

"Leta," he teased. At least, I thought he poked fun at me. His voice was slightly higher pitched, and he had to do more than say my name for a reason to come out here. Not that I minded. He could hold me forever — never speak another word  — and I would be the happiest woman alive. Then again — I would grow to miss his endless teasing.

" Nice night," Anakin said. " I don't think the stars shine this bright on Coruscant." I raised both my eyebrows at his wording. There was no way Anakin Skywalker — the arrogant and stubborn Chosen One, would talk about the weather.

Granted, the stars are stunning, but we definitely have better things to discuss.

I turned around, his hands moving from my abdomen to my lower back. His hold was still tight, as if I would be torn from his grasp, which would never happen if I had anything to say about it. I would always be there in some way for my dearest Anakin.

I squinted my eyes in suspicion. " I know you didn't come out to discuss the scenery."

His lips formed a smirk, and his eyes seemed to shine mischievously. What was he up to now, and why did I feel I would be dragged along with him?

Whatever it is, I'll probably enjoy it because I'm with Ani, or it's full of trouble. In the best-case scenario, it is both.

" I don't know. The view is pretty good from where I'm standing,"
He teased. "But I digress. What do you think we should discuss?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. I must be a sight to behold in the eyes of Skywalker with a compliment like that."Certainly, not the weather."

"Maybe we can talk about the meaning of the kiss you shouldn't  have given me."

I didn't think we needed to discuss it; I would only accept one answer. Truth be told, there were a million reasons not to do what I was about to do, but then I remembered our first kiss, how he consumed me, and how I wanted to explore it more as if it was my sole purpose in life. Also, the one we shared on Geonosis, promising him I wouldn't leave this world without him. How could I not be with Anakin Skywalker?

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