32: Family Feud

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I don't know if Pizza exits star wars, but for the sake of fanfiction, it just does.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the story, my lovely readers. Stay safe and have fun.

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I didn't have to wait long before Padmé showed up. She first pulled me into a hug, and despite the lack of air entering my lungs, I enjoyed every second of her sisterly embrace.

"I'm so glad you finally called, though I wish it were in better circumstances," she said, removing her hair accessories and letting her brown curls flow freely as mine. "Speaking of which — what trouble have you gotten yourself into now?"

I placed a hand over my heart,
"Oh, you wound me."

"I'm I wrong?"

"Not entirely," I confessed, playing with a strand of my hair and avoiding her gaze.

" 'Not entirely?' really means yes in your language," She teased.

To this day, I had been unable to outwit my sister, maybe because I wasn't trained in the arts of politicians — the stuff of nightmares. I didn't know how she handled lies, bribes, treachery, and boring speeches all day. Force bless her for it because the Galactic Republic would've fallen year's ago without her outspoken voice and charming ways.

Padmé's gaze wandered over to the counter, spotting my blue and pink-covered care package full of mother and baby necessities.

"What's this, a baby basket?" She rummaged through bottles, diapers, food, and pamphlets on raising children.

I didn't know how to tell her, so I nervously moved back and forth on the balls of my feet, hoping she didn't judge me. Not that she would — she was by nature an understanding sort — sometimes too forgiving for her own good.

Much like myself — the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

She held a bottle in her hand, waving it at me. "What in the Galaxy are you doing with this?"

"I don't know how to tell—"

"By the stars and back and doing it again, Leta Sinmé Amidala, are you pregnant?"

Well, that was easy.

I nodded slowly, preparing for another suffocating hug. But alas, to my great disappointment and relief, the hug never came. Instead, my sister gaped at me, too stunned to function as she dropped the bottle. I smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"Umm... Padmé say something?"

"You're pregnant?" she questioned again, still unconvinced despite the evidence before her. She squinted her eyes, trying to peer into my soul — searching for any sigh of deceit. I'd wish her luck, but she wouldn't find any mischief in me today, maybe tomorrow.

"Yes, I am," I said, letting go of my hair. "Not completely planned either."

She shook herself from her daze.
"What do you mean by that?"

"Having kids was on the agenda, but not while the war still rages on."

Her mouth formed an O-shape, "I see. I guess fate wanted it sooner."

I laughed heartily. "Or the Force, or me. You have no idea how long I've wanted to be a mom."

Padmé walked up to me, placing both hands on my upper arms.
"Between you and me, I think you would be a wonderful mother," she said, gazing at the floor momentarily. "Have... have you told Anakin?"

"I just found out this morning — I'm still processing it myself while keeping my emotions and thoughts from reaching whatever outer-rim plant he was on that's under siege."

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