36: Calm Before the Storm

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One thing I need to work on is consistency in my writing. I feel some chapters are more in-depth while others are surface-level. I hope to get better with more practice.

Let me know what you think, lovely readers.

Anyways enjoy, and don't forget to comment and vote. 💜

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It was done. Windu had cast me out of the Jedi Oder, which put a crimp in my day —week perhaps, life (call me dramatic). I had to remind myself I chose this path; it still didn't make it any easier. To top it off, watching Anakin worry and lose sleep from his constant nightmares of my supposed death. It wasn't helping.

Everything will be better once our baby is born and the war ends.

But I know better, I thought as I finished drying my hair after my shower and slipped into my new midnight blue dress.

It was time to think about better things like my baby. I twirled in the mirror. I hated being so big, like a balloon — I couldn't wait to pop this baby out and see its cute face.

Anakin thinks it's a girl — he wanted a little troublemaker Leta running around. I thought it was a boy and wanted an angel like my dearest Anakin.

A knock on my door forced me to stop dawdling. I opened the door, and to my surprise, one of my favorite Jedi stood outside with his arms behind his back like he was holding something.

"Hello there, little Leta. Are you feeling any better?" Obi-Wan greeted.

I shook my head. "Not really, but I'm not any worse, so that's something."

He smiled knowingly. "It is. A positive outlook to have."

I moved out of the way, allowing Obi-Wan to come in. He walked, still hiding something, and I gave him a curious glance.

"Somebody has something up their sleeve — so to speak."

"Ah, it's a surprise."

I rolled my eyes. "You know I —"

"— hate surprises, I remember, but I promise this a good one. It's technically from Anakin."

My interest peeked further. A gift from Anakin delivered by the Master of Sass should be good.

"I also wish to speak to you about other matters," Obi-Wan said, frowning. "It's about Anakin and you."

I gulped, playing with a strand of my hair while gesturing for him to sit in the blue room. I sat beside him and relaxed on the couch, refusing to be nervous about the following conversation Obi-Wan wanted to discuss.

"First, your gift," he said, handing me a long black box. I grabbed my arm, faltering momentarily, not expecting it to be heavy, yet there was a familiar feel to it.

I ripped open the box, my eyes wide and likely sparkling like stars, and my smile was so wide it hurt.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi, you shouldn't have," I squealed.

"Oh, I know. If I knew the whole story as to why Anakin needed me to guard a certain door, I wouldn't have helped."

Looking at my gift, my head was still down, but my eyes wandered up at him. "What did he do?"

He rubbed his brow. "He stole it."

"Oh, Ani, what are we going to do with him," I said through my smile.
I picked up the object, pressing the button. A lime green beam shot out of my lightsaber, covering me with its color.

I didn't give a damn how he retrieved it, but I was so glad he did. This was part of me, and I may not be a Jedi, but I was a warrior princess ready to protect all who needed me.

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